Five years after his appearance at Comic-Con 2012, Tycho may be re-emerging.

Five years after his appearance at Comic-Con 2012, Tycho may be re-emerging. Signals are pointing in two directions: San Diego, CA on Friday, July 21st and a possible RPG/RPE in Burbank, CA on Saturday, July 22nd.


  1. I will never have the chance to be in California, unfortunately.

    However, this does not detract from my position I will do everything to apply the principle of Remote Participation.

    If a role-playing simulation can influence past and future events through bridges over time in the portalnetwork and trough anomalous zones, then I can also somehow collaborate, albeit in the least, as a off-site agent.

  2. Yik Sheng Lee

    I think using a public event (or two, at last) as a secure coverage for a contact between them could be dangerous.

    But if there were important knowledge about the future of the substitutions in the MAGNUS Niantic on the table, maybe, then there is the possibility that Tycho C. and Misty Hannah will look for eachothers.

  3. I see a map in his painting.Afghan-kabul

  4. H. Richard Loeb​ we have been having weekly online sessions for a few weeks now. Fantastic news to see that another is happening

  5. I might be able to get to these, H. Richard Loeb​

  6. But why would Tycho wait all of this time, if he is coming out of hiding? This is interesting news.

  7. I would be interested in the rpg. Its a nine hour drive though and i need to figure out if i can arrange transportation in such a short amount of time.

  8. That does makes sense, Tycho appearing at an RPE. I wonder why he's been so silent for so long. 5 years. Why?
    How do we know that he will be present at these RPEs? Are we just speculating? Going off of intel? H. Richard Loeb

  9. Hopefully i will be free on Sat 22 so I can smuggle contraband back to essex.

  10. been pointed out to me that's an old picture :)

  11. Brendan Wallach I agree with you. I don't think so. I plan to take a look at it soon.

  12. So... Another RPE in the US... I'll be keeping an eye on it remotely ;)
    I hope you expand these events to other places around the globe soon (Chile would be too much to as, wouldn't it?)...

  13. More interested in an RPE in San Diego during San Diego Comic Con. 😄

  14. Is this happening with the tricker event

  15. sebastain WonderBread​. It's the other way around. This is happening and Team Trickster is showing up.

  16. What I want to know is when are the rpe sessions going to start and how many will there be. Gotta try to round up as much character sheets and info as possible for essex. (Will suck to drop out of that week's game to do so) :D


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