Compromised intel reveals what the NIA has been up to in recent weeks.

Compromised intel reveals what the NIA has been up to in recent weeks. I cannot comment on allegations made about me at this time.


  1. I have to say, this is some very interesting intel.

  2. If the former Magnus members truely asked for you silence H. Richard Loeb​ regarding the Intel you have, then I understand why you didn't share it. But if the decision to withhold information that could have affected the end result was soley yours... Well Mr Loeb, that does bring up some pressing questions about your dedication to revealing the truth as it is uncovered.

  3. Kristen​ I trust H. Richard Loeb​ when he said the Magnus members choose silence and asked him not to reveal anything. One thing is being a truthseeker and another is going against the will of people having such a hard time as the ex Niantic Magnus members.
    I'm a bit afraid that Nia's attempts to use remote participation are actually working... An intelligence agency being able to spy future and/or past events like that?? That's dangerous to say the least.
    Good they haven't been able to interfere, probable because the conditions have never been as optimal as at the Navarro Camp...

  4. I wouldn't get the pitchforks for PAC ready just yet.

    If I remember correctly, these were H. Richard Loeb​ words at the apex of the decision regarding the Niantic MAGNUS:

    "I have in my possession some intel -- a conversation between current members of the MAGNUS. They opted to proceed with silence and exert no influence or opinion over the actions of this group, for reasons that will become clear when I make this intel public.

    I will not do so until after the activities of this group have come to fruition."

    Maybe the results of the MAGNUS fracture haven't arrived yet? This isn't going to be resolved in a day guys, it'll take weeks if not longer to see the impact this'll have in our Investigation. Future events will be built on this. The power balance of the investigation will shift because of this.

    We've known PAC for years and if there's one thing I can say about him it's that he tries to be deliberate and careful when he makes a move.

    Richard doesn't stirke me as the kind of guy who does stuff like this for the sake of censorship. And really, we will know why he did this one way or another, whether he wants to or not. That's how this Investigation works. No secrets can hide here.

    For now, I think all we can do is wait. Wait, see, study and react.

  5. My theory is that the true purpose of Niantic voyage was to transfer unknown number of Anaztek tribesmen to San Diego from Paita (Peru). I refer to Edgar Allan Wright's post that Anaztek are very likely to be located in Peru. Edgar Allan Wright wonders if the emergence of N'zeer could influence the Anaztek to make contact with the civilization. I would speculate that San Diego may be a N'zeer power spot as the city is famous for many technological breaktroughts. The transfer of Panama gold diggers to San Francisco is just a cover story in my - Curious. Makes me wonder if the Nazteka (or Anaztek) will emerge. It would b...


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