As the Enlightened began the process of reorganizing the MAGNUS, a series of conversations unfolded behind the...

As the Enlightened began the process of reorganizing the MAGNUS, a series of conversations unfolded behind the scenes among the former Niantic Researchers. This is the first of them...


  1. Sorry, but this conversation is no longer relevant, just like the thoughts and deeds of the majority of the EX-MAGNUS. It's time for Calvin, Kureze, Devra, Enoch and Carrie to pack their bags, just like they did for the majority of the last 5 years and be heard of never again. In fact, only their reactions to their fate matter now; not the build up that you stashed away for the last two + weeks, PAC.

    It's time to bring new blood and fresh exciting tales not stagnated​ recycled stories told by the same played out cast into our #13MAGNUS.

    Out ofvthe previous members of the MAGNUS I think only Hank, Shubert, Lightman, Misty and Yuri are worthy of being in the magnus. If they want in the I'd let them join.

    As for the last spots not held by Jarvis and OLW? Let's give them to Klue then toss Azmati's corpse into the recursion chamber to see if he resurrects. Akira, now she's a contender, same with Truth Seeker! Both of them are more relevant that half of the old magnus, so they should have a chance. Hell, let's find Tycho and Sarita Hayes and recruit them (since Acolyte works better as a groupie and Wrenegade is currently on fire as a background actress and thus isn't ready for prime time or after hours 😂😎)..

  2. Ok... Creepy indeed. Let's see what follows.
    I think you are into something Yik Sheng Lee​, as usual.
    Mario Valenzuela II​ I disagree with this conversation being irrelevant. Maybe you think so because it did not serve to make the decision about the MAGNUS easier, but I think it's very interesting to know how they lived this process and what its implications might be. I surely want to know what will happen to the Niantic researchers. They might be no longer members of the Magnus, but there are still important Ingress-related people (and there are many characters that had made relevant contributions without being part of a Magnus). There is to be seen if they'll remain working on XM-related issues or not. I think many of them may.

  3. Yik Sheng Lee Not necessarily before the decision. "I have learned that the Enlightened have begun the process". We don't even know how the decision is being processed and what entity is actually removing them from the Magnus. Since a Tecthulhu is involved in creating a Magnus it might also be involved in dissolving one.

  4. Martin Brenner I thought that meant it was when the ENL began their conversations to decide what to do...
    BTW... So Hank Johnson​ was "on set"? Was he working in the Nomad 13Magnus edition we saw recently or something new??

  5. Catalina Reyes Yeah, it might have been during the decision making, but to me it sounds more like they already know they are or will be out. The reorganization process of the Magnus has started with the decision and will be finished with determination of the replacements and maybe some sort of ritual (RPG?) Regarding the conversation, technically ADA would be the most likely one to initiate the call.

  6. Yik Sheng Lee​ I just read your update. I believe you're right about it.

  7. Yik Sheng Lee You are probably right, the "set" Hank is talking about being his recording the latest Nomad episode featuring the MagnusReawakens event.

  8. This is highly odd. And possibly not good for them. If that was an exogenous signal, they may have something much different that what the are used to dealing with on their hands.
    And how are we sure that this conversation log is irrelevant?

  9. I wonder what Devra Bogdanovich is up to. I had thought it might be ADA having a hand in getting them together, but perhaps a new player is being forced to show their "hand" given the potential changes with the Niantic Magnus? Also - is OLW absent from the call? And I love Misty Hannah's comment :)

  10. JoJo Stratton yes. It seems that OLW isn't there. He's been silent for a long time.

  11. Because he cannot be removed from the Magnus... Or is it because he has not crossed from "across the bridge" yet?

  12. I would also focus on who was NOT on the call. Roland Jarvis and Oliver Lynton-Wolfe (future only remaining members of Niantic Magnus) and A Detection Algorithm. To organize such a call without anyone knowing who initiated it smells like A Detection Algorithm's job to me. Was there some information leak about the enlightened decision? Or even prediction of the outcome using AI techniques? Regarding purpose I like Yik Sheng Lee's theory on the possible source and timing of the call. We however need more information to dig deeper in my opinion.

  13. H. Richard Loeb we received what we can only assume to be a related call. We are working to reveal the source of the call and what message(s) they may be trying to be convey. - Reading P.A Chapeau's post (

  14. I'm worried about the unidentified sound... I tried to imagine it while reading with no luck. And maybe that was a good thing. I'm kind of interested on how it might sound like...
    The others sounds everything Hank takes the mute off to speak are probably Navarro's xP

  15. Catalina Reyes It is worrisome. But it could have been anything. If you look at the chat, after the shouting, three of them went silent. Victor Kureze, Hank Johnson and Stein Lightman. Something could have happened to a one of them. But we don't know for sure. It really makes me wonder what happened.

  16. Jozef Zubricky ADA was my first thought, and I find it rather strange that none of the people on that call brought up the possibility.

  17. Eleri Hamilton maybe the did, in the following part of the conversation...

  18. They might not have thought of it. But Catalina Reyes may be right.


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