Yesterday, I mentioned my suspicions that the Agent Olympiad event may have something else at stake behind the...

Yesterday, I mentioned my suspicions that the Agent Olympiad event may have something else at stake behind the seemingly innocuous cover of 'a friendly contest.' Fortunately, we have an asset on the ground who shares my concerns...


  1. I am glad that I can confirm the rumor as a fact.

    I wanted to join the Olympiad, but unfortunately I lost it.
    I am praying for the participants and Agent KodamaSmiles safety.

  2. "Why call the event an Olympiad?"
    Because Niantic Inc. loves when it is sued for copyright and IP infringements…

    « The Olympic symbol, flag, motto, anthem, identifications (including but not limited to “Olympic Games” and “Games of the Olympiad”), designations, emblems, flame and torches, […], as well as all rights to the use thereof, belong exclusively to the IOC, including but not limited to the use for any profit-making, commercial or advertising purposes. »

  3. Unless Akira is an omniscent or a visionary, I don't think she could have predicted that the 11 members of the Niantic magnus would have been ejected especially since if the vote went to the general ENL community via a patch to the ingress scanner, it would have turned out differently. Hell, if the advisory counsel and the seven were given the option to shuffle the deck we were handed, the reset might not have happened.

  4. I will try to answer H. Richard Loeb's question about timiming and the name of the event as well as Major Tsukasa's intentions.

    I believe the name of the event being Olympiad has to with Major Tsukasa experiments to connect with The Ultimate. Her continuos work on the topic based on Martin Schubert and Nigel Moyer studies is well known. I think The Ultimate is seen as The God by her. That is why the name of the event is Olympiad in my opinion.

    Regarding timing, I think she wants to find out the posibility to create a new Magnus, purely enlightened Magnus, to enable to reach The Ultimate. Its clear that after almost whole Niantic Magnus was dissolved, now is the perfect opportunity to search for enlightened sensitives to create a new one. Clearly Roland Jarvis and Oliver Lynton-Wolfe would support the idea. Resistance must be very cautious!

  5. Jozef Zubricky​ problem is she was planning this before the desolution of the MAGNUS meaning regardless of the #fateOfThe12 she would have made her own competing Magnus.

  6. This could be a part of some form of experiment. Or she could be testing them to see if the Agents are fit to join the MAGNUS. That wouldn't be good.
    Agent KodamaSmiles and all other agents there, be safe, stay alert. And keep an eye out for any strange or suspicious behavior.
    Mario Valenzuela II Akira is a strange woman. Though there is still the possibility that she could be a Visionary. Knowing her, itll be hard to tell.

  7. These is second time I see you in 3months. #kodamerecon in San Francisco. Now I see you again in #agentolympiad


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