Those who entered the Navarro Anomalous Zone (as showcased yesterday) during the 13MAGNUS: Reawakens 'RPG' were...

Those who entered the Navarro Anomalous Zone (as showcased yesterday) during the 13MAGNUS: Reawakens 'RPG' were transported, as part of the second leg of their journey, to a familiar place: CERN. But the current state of the facility is anything from…


  1. Yik Sheng Lee​. For reasons unknown, HAZDAT brought the pieces of OLW's destroyed techthulhu. I suspect they wanted to reverse engineer it thinking it could be used as a weapon and to give them an edge over the other xm corps. I'm pretty sure ADA had the same ideas since she may believe that her merging with a techthulhu would give her tbe power to augment her progeny or reestablish connections to the n'zeer substrate.

    I don't think the tecthulhu was trying to lure ADA. From the RPG, it sounded like ADA was trying to analyze the code by running it through an emulator and unknowingly got stuck in the loop. Its unknown if the loop was a result of bad programming or a defensive mechanism built by OLW to prevent ADA from hacking the tecthulhu to gain control over it.

  2. I am wondering, why is HAZDATA and ADA trying to reassemble the Techthulu? It it very risky and I'm not sure that HAZDATA even knows what they are doing with it.

  3. Does the dark/purple depict chaotic matter?

  4. Jeremy Sylvis I believe so. The CERN facility is full of it.

  5. I do have some questions.

    SO, during the RPG event, Hank Johnson debriefed the players participating about what was going on and what needed to be done.
    (Video taken by Mario Valenzuela II):

    "You're in the Niantic Project Lab at CERN. It's an Anomalous Zone. As with all Anomalous Zones, multiple time zones are we speak, Dark XM infused HAZDATA operatives are attempting to retrieve ultra-classified information that has been quarantined. They're working for a mysterious and quite nefarious man named Brandt who took over HAZDATA. My mission is to stop them. Your mission goes beyond that. You're here because 6 Agents managed to navigate from Camp Navarro 2017 to Camp Navarro 1588(note: I couldn't hear the date correctly, if anyone on site can correct me I would appreciate it.), retrieved a Prime Object and traveled to this Anomalous Zone. Now, P.A Chapeau only knows some of this. Saving ADA is crucial but there's more. After you restore ADA, you are to hunt for the Abbadon Magnus...The exact nature of the Magnus is, at the moment, unknown. But it's essential that you locate it."

    Now, the first question I have is this: Where can we fit this event into the larger Investigative timeline? We first learned about Brandt taking over HAZDATA on May 7th: - HAZDATA changes hands?

    So between then and the Camp Navarro event, did HAZDATA make a move to gain intel from within the facility? And did Hank head there to try to stop them before heading to Navarro?

    And what did A Detection Algorithm hope to gain by studying the Tecthulhu of Oliver Lynton-Wolfe?

  6. Michelle Smith Okay, interesting... It definitely seems to have some order / structure / intent, which is unexpected given how chaotic matter is shown as an anti- to exotic matter's "ordered, structured data". There even seems to be symmetry to its spread.

  7. Mustafa Said doubly-interesting; Hank Johnson as a strong ENL guy putting forth that it's crucial to save ADA, especially given the suspected reality-altering implications of such a remote participation event.

  8. Jeremy Sylvis Chaotic Matter is unordered data, but from what is known, it also has minor order. It is much different then standard XM. It also affects you much differently. And the spread looks like it's mainly around the main walkway. So there may be some form of XM/CM barrier.

  9. Ah yes. A very interesting, and dangerous place... But why would HAZDATA want anything with Oliver Lynton-Wolfe's Techthulu? That is a very dangerous machine.


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