The location of the third journey undertaken by the 'RPG' participants at 13MAGNUS: Reawakens is difficult to...

The location of the third journey undertaken by the 'RPG' participants at 13MAGNUS: Reawakens is difficult to conceive and even harder to describe. Some of those who I spoke with described it as 'The Unbounded Place.'


  1. Yik Sheng Lee​​​ you're off.

    It was the path towards the ABDN nest. But it wasn't. Maybe, it was kind of like a catacomb and or purgatory. Not sure since it's hard to say what exactly it was.

    What I can tell you is that it was where a version of myself (or was it someone else?) went to die so he can become resurrected as a member of the 13magnus.

    The statues, at least the ones which came alive were dark xm infused golems, the petrified husks of previous magnus simularums. I assume great people wjo were worshiped as gods and heroes. They were only able to be stopped when they were hacked (drained of xm) or when a prime artifact was inserted into them.

    But what truly stopped them was what killed us; our resurrecting a pheonix (which died as a result of it being corrupted by feather composed of dark xm) and it purifying us in the brilliant flames of its rebirth.

  2. Darn right unbounded.. we died in that cave.

  3. Could it have been not a one of the many Anomalous Zones, but could those who were there, ended up in the Ultimate? This is just a theory. I am currently not too sure,

  4. I took part in the RPG third journey and it gave very significant clues into the on site Anomaly that night. Phase 1 was a mission based scavenger hunt and multiple pass phrases required RPG involvement. It was awesome!


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