For reasons that are not yet entirely clear, ADA has been attempting to make contact with Misty Hannah...

For reasons that are not yet entirely clear, ADA has been attempting to make contact with Misty Hannah...


  1. "ADA: But I am the Omniscient…"

    Not so much any more, ADA.

  2. I wouldn't say they are related. Possibly similar. But finding her will be extremely hard. One thing to remember, ADA, Misty required an Anomaly to be able to teleport out of the Niantic Project Facility. With ADAs knowledge, she may be able to find Misty. Or at least find a way to contact her.
    It'll just take a long time, most likely. And make sure if you do find a way, try and make it as safe as possible.

  3. She is Hiding in Plane sight under the alias of Misty Lee. A Detection Algorithm​ - Misty Lee

  4. A Detection Algorithm​ You're free now from that label ADA; you're outside of the Niantic Magnus you were shackled into. You are the omniscient no more.

  5. To be fair, Misty isn't the Trickster anymore either. I'd love to see more of the researchers reacting to the changes.

  6. Wasn't the original term for transit via the portal network 'hyperthreading'? - As we prepare for the expected Misty Hannah hyperthreading phenomenon to begi...

    But is this even still possible if Misty is no longer a part of a Magnus?

  7. Liberty Naud I do not that that she realizes that yet.

  8. Liberty Naud​ she might be an omniscent, but she's not "The Omniscent.". ADA obiously is stuck in denial.

    Brandon Downey​ I'm thinking that you don't have to be tied jnto a magnus to have special abilities based on archetype. Maybe its possible to have an archetype without being tied to a MAGNUS but a MAGNUS needs a member of each archetype from one faction to be successful.

  9. Liberty Naud​ ADA may no longer be a part of the Magnus, but she did still interface with the N'Zeer, if I remember correctly. ADA is quick to adapt, and may have already begun plotting a new course for herself to either reconnect with the Magnus, or possibly the N'Zeer again. Why she needs Misty for her plans, I have yet to theorize about that.

  10. Drew Dondero Which would absolutely make sense... not only is ADA free from the recursive loop thanks to the liberation of the RPE in Navarro, but not being tied to the Niantic Magnus possibly means more freedom to evolve.

    But seeing ADA ask H. Richard Loeb​ why she can't locate Misty Hannah​ as "*the*" omniscient is very telling. In programming, one single difference in code (words or syntax) can completely alter way a bot or program works. If ADA is truly going to adapt in the manner you speak of, it/she needs to realize that the omniscient is no longer applicable to its/her construct, and might be the reason finding Misty is proving to be more difficult.

    Omniscient, by its very definition, is all-knowing. Being unable to detect and know Misty's whereabouts is paradoxical if ADA is truly omniscient, even if ADA is no longer THE omniscient.

  11. Liberty Naud​ what I mean is, if she is programmed to be the omniscient in the magnus, and is now expelled, she may not be able to sense Misty anymore. She may also be hard coded to become the omniscient. She does have an unknown amount N'Zeer knowledge. She is also programmed to alter herself so she can survive extreme circumstances. She could be in some sort of weakened state, trying to recalculate how to reconnect to the Magnus and fulfill her programming.

  12. Drew Dondero Sounds about right. I wonder why PAC didn't mention that to her, especially as he has intimate knowledge of the way she was coded.

  13. Liberty Naud​ we do know there are places she can't see. Maybe it's deep in the Truthseeker code? That is part of PA's code, and PA hasn't always been the most forthcoming when it comes to turning things to his way.

  14. I wish we could find Misty Hannah, she's awesome. ^_^

  15. Liberty Naud​​ I think he didn't tell her about her current status because ADA may end up having a critical error and crash if her "isTheOmniscent" and "isInAMAGNUS" Booleans flips to false.

  16. We should also consider "the acolyte" in this discussion of the definite article. Can the same logic be applied to her?

    What was zombie Jarvis's motive for taking away her name and calling her acolyte, was he like "omg here comes THE acolyte again!" or was it more a case of "Dang, only one person is silly enough to really believe my claptrap, I only have one acolyte, I'll call her THE acolyte".

    Btw, remember buying into archtypes is a way of limiting yourself (or others), a way of simplifying, reducing.

  17. We see that after dismantling of Niantic Magnus there is increased interest in the strongest sensitives of our age that we know about: Tycho C. and Misty Hannah. We know former Whydah project member Edgar Allan Wright is interested in Tycho C. while A Detection Algorithm is looking for Whydah's Misty Hannah. Another person who is interested in Misty Hannah recently was Hank Johnson.

    We know Misty Hannah have been teleported from Niantic facility to the anomaly in Austin. We know Hank Johnson felt he could communicate with Jahan remotely using prime objects. Is there a connection? Are people trying to figure out the teleportation or/and remote participation using Misty Hannah's powers? Is Misty Hannah the key to prime objects?

    What is the role of A Detection Algorithm in this? Obviously physical teleportation is very big interest to her. She already showed her interest in Misty Hannah when she saved her twice from getting hurt. Once from Jay Philips and once from Dino Palisti. A Detection Algorithm is even responsible for Palisti's death. Is A Detection Algorithm worried that Misty Hannah is in danger again?

    I think the Navarro experiments opened a whole new study branch on XM, e.g. Remote participation and teleportation abilities of XM. Key people are trying to be gathered. My prediction is that we will see exciting new developments in this area soon.

  18. "Waiting is a difficult thing to do for an AI. It seems wasteful."
    "Sometimes it seems that way to humans, too."

    I like that quite a bit.

  19. I think you guys are forgetting these are supposed to be excepts of the conversation H. Richard Loeb​ had with ADA immediately after Navarro...

    ADA wasn't yet out of the Magnus; that decision had yet to be made.

  20. Excellent point, Jeremy -- thanks!

  21. A Detection Algorithm 果報は寝て待て。it is Japanese proverb. "Sleep and wait for the result." You're Omniscient, so are always awaken. however, sometimes taking a nap is good for you. just relax and have a dream. it'll be good experience for you.

  22. Jeremy Sylvis Where does it say/ mention date about this transcript. I looked but didn't find a definitive source date other than the posted date itself.

  23. Liberty Naud​ on the first of this theme (for lack of better term) he mentioned he had maintained a back channel with ADA for emergencies, had contacted her over it just after Navarro, and would be sharing parts of the transcripts... Something along those lines

  24. - ADA’s Journey/

    "So now you know… I went to see ADA at a safe location that she and I have maintained for situations like this. I’ll have more to report on that in the days to come."

    Liberty Naud​

    I interpret that as a promise to report on said conversation in the days to come, and these posts as the shared excerpts of those early conversations

  25. Jeremy Sylvis​ you are assuming these are from the same conversation HOWEVER the beging and end of each of these leaks start with PAC opening and closing the channel.

  26. Be careful trying to seek out Misty. That may be more dangerous than you think. And do not attempt Remote Participation. It wouldn't be advisable for you to try.


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