As a result of their victory during #FateOfThe13, the Enlightened gained control of 12 of the 13 Archetypes in the...

As a result of their victory during #FateOfThe13, the Enlightened gained control of 12 of the 13 Archetypes in the current Niantic MAGNUS. With the exception of Oliver Lynton-Wolfe -- the Alchemist -- the Enlightened held the fate of each Niantic…


  1. Enlightened: wants mono-faction magnus
    Enlightened: let's make 85 percent of the new magnus a complete wild card

  2. Freed from their current positions but I wonder if some might volunteer for new responsibilities. Calvin, for instance, failed to lead but always hedged his bets and was mindful of the possibility that his decisions might be misguided. He'd make an excellent skeptic.

  3. This has been a very kind decision. As a resistance agent I'm proud of your kind heart enlightened agents. You've proven to think above your faction and take into account the right of your own researchers (and ours) to their free will.
    It's funny thought that Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​ and Roland Jarvis​ were the only ones to stay... Talking about destiny huh? I guess destiny is always this whimsical and free will might be an illusion from time to time. I'm eager to see how that will play out...

  4. Funny how they could manage to make an irrelevant Story even more irrelevant. Even Niantics Story writers couldn't have come up with something like this, and they know how to write storys without consequences. At first I wanted to bitch about the intransparency of the decision finding process, but the outcome is way too funny. Resistance wins even when not playing. lmao 😂

  5. Sven W first of all, nobody necessarily won but the original researchers who were draged into this. Actually, a good story is not just about black and white winning or losing. Good stories are more complex than that. Second, a public call was made for ENL agents to have a saying on this matter. I saw it (of course I couldn't participate). So you could've seen it too if you had been paying attention (which I assume you weren't, since you believe this storyline is irrelevant).
    Besides. Getting Jarvis to have his own Magnus and potentially being able to put in whoever he recruits doesn't really sound as a victory for the resistance... Does it?

  6. I hope Enoch continues to align with the Enlightened and Furthur works for us in the future.

  7. Terran Dunklee Sven W -- compassion above faction.

    And, really, once you kick anyone out all bets are off. We don't know if a Magnus can survive once some people are removed. We don't know if you can add new people to a partial Magnus. You could spend a week arguing about what might happen. We felt that the right thing to do was to deal with certainty, and we were certain that Calvin didn't give anyone a choice when he made this Magnus. We wanted to be better than him.

  8. It seems that the Enlightened made a good choice. Good work.
    Bryant Durrell Without 10-13 members, a MAGNUS won't exactly work out. But yes, you can add new people to a partial MAGNUS. That will work. Why would Calvin give them a choice or tell them the risks and possible complications? I respect what the Enlightened did. Just if the MAGNUS does get completed, warn them of the risks. When being added and removed.

  9. This is year zero for the new Magnus. Everyone that remains is on board with human evolution through XM and contact with exogenous entities, and most importantly wants to be there.

    I think Jarvis can't survive outside a Magnus, and OLW wouldn't have it any other way. A resistance anti Magnus would surely have kicked him out.

  10. Terran Dunklee​ We want an end to Calvin's coerced Magnus. This end was achieved.

    Our only regret is that we could not have offered everyone the same option. This new Magnus must be defined by those who wish to walk into the Valley of the Dead with open eyes.

  11. Typhoon Jim and I'm not saying that's a bad thing or that wasn't your goal. I respect that members such as Misty and Carrie were removed from the magnus, and I believe that was the merciful route.

  12. Overall, I like the decisions they reached. Not that I necessarily wanted A Detection Algorithm to stay, but I fear what might replace her as the omniscient archetype. If it is OMNIVORE it could be quite troublesome, especially if it continues to evolve the way ADA did.

    Where was the call to Enlightened agents posted when gathering opinions? I missed it but would love to read through it.

  13. Daniel Beaudoin itll either be Omnivore, or Klue. Unless someone/something else can do it.

  14. Michelle Smith the Acolyte has been in contact with an entity that appears to possess similar broad ranging access to communications. I suspect it may be PAC's fork of ADA.

  15. Typhoon Jim Not surprised. The Acolyte is always up to something, or looking for high class technology. This could either be good, or bad. One way to find out more, ask PAC and The Acolyte.


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