A leaked NIA doc came my way.

A leaked NIA doc came my way... it sheds light on how the IC is reacting to the data which emerged from 13MAGNUS: Reawakens in Navarro, CA.


  1. I knew this was going to happen. I knew that it was going to be an experiment. This isn't good.

    Mario Valenzuela II If you are a part of the New MAGNUS, that isn't good. If you are worried about the NIA coming after you, lay low for a while. Hide. Sometimes, you become a part of the MAGNUS without knowing. Just be careful.

  2. Screw hiding, Mario Valenzuela II , strut around with your prime object waving, spamming bursters as you swag along. More likely to get nabbed when alone and lurking than swag strutting in public B)

  3. This is bad news for anyone why participated In the RPE....

  4. Michelle Smith​ how would I know if I'm in a MAGNUS in this reality? I'm certain everyone who makes glyphs sequences, focuses some energy on them, ends up having affacting their own lives as if the casted some kind of spell... right?


    Nancy Something​ think I can get away with wearing it Flava Flav style?

  5. Mario Valenzuela II It can be very hard to tell. Even if you are in the MAGNUS in another reality, it could still be dangerous. And it could still cause the NIA to come after you.
    But you are right...

  6. Right now this just brings up more questions than answers. I wouldn't go that far to say that Sean and Jay know who "Ace" really is. Furthermore, I don't even think that anyone's in danger. At least for the time being. Like P.A. once said, "Welcome to the rabbit hole."

  7. I heard there is food in rabbit holes. ^.^
    Joking aside, has there ever been any doubt that XM and CM are dangerous?
    After what happened with Klue why would any green agent trust the acolyte? Then later with Susanna.
    Ofc we shouldn't forget the way OLW and Jarvis's relationship went, and then Hank and Jarvis's. The green high command don't seem very "friendly" towards their "friends".

  8. Quantum Effect I have never doubted that. But of course places like the NIA and the Niantic Project are all about using it for experiments. I think that the reason why many Enlightened (and a few Resistance) trust The Acolyte is because she knows to to make someone trust her easily. She learned that from Jarvis. Susanna just vanished. No one knows for sure what happened to her.
    Too many have trusted The Acolyte and Jarvis. And most times, it ended badly. And they never learn from their mistakes.


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