A conversation between ADA and myself on the subject of her current 'mental' state (for lack of a better term)...

A conversation between ADA and myself on the subject of her current 'mental' state (for lack of a better term)...


  1. Objection H. Richard Loeb​​ and A Detection Algorithm​​!
    Katalina was a separate entity to A Detection Algorithm​​ and they didn't merge, nor do we have any indication ADA read her mind.
    855 was acknowledged as ADA's first test working with the human mind. It was for this reason 855's overclocking was a hindrance to him, he was first.

    It is seemlingly true that you don't know A Detection Algorithm​ Mr. H. Richard Loeb​?

  2. "Trapped with in myself" is how an electronic mind might describe the experience of encountering a function that has endless recursion.

    It may have been a trap something or someone planted, or a natural point of complexity, when a mind becomes more than the sum of it's parts, and thus attempting to analyze those parts in total would always create something more to analyze, continually adding more.

    Whatever the cause, ADA sounds shook

  3. So Klue S.​is confirmed to be katalena. And A Detection Algorithm​ miss her, I postulated when the separation happened that situation was more complex that it looks like. I won't be surprised if the reason ADA became entangled with the techtulu was because she was looking for any remains of Klue S.​

  4. Tecthulhu subroutines appear to be terminated at this point, but we shall see.

  5. Ana Prados that's an interesting thought. Maybe ADA was trying to rescue Klue??

    I'm really worried about how shocked A Detection Algorithm sounds... I know I should be worring about more important things, such as whether ADA's current state poses any threat... but I can't really. I'm just concerned about her from an emotional stand.

    About Klue being Katalena, it's a rather good theory, though ADA might just be refering to the fact that Katalena is supposed to be dead because of her.

    Is ADA feeling guilty for her past actions? She does sound as having lots of regret.
    I knew she missed Klue... It's good to have confirmation of that.

  6. Quantum Effect I believe what ADA meant was that maybe somewhere in Klue, Katalina is still in there. Katalina became Klue after she and Jarvis were killed by Phillips and Shaw. Or that's what we think because Klue appeared randomly. But you are right. Katalina and Klue never merged.

    In my opinion, it would be worth any risks to try and enter the Anomalous Zone in search for Katalina/Klue. It wouldn't be that hard. There is a way other then through Remote Participation. Also, it wouldn't be good for ADA to try the alternative method either. H. Richard Loeb, you can tell ADA to not try something, but that doesn't mean that she won't do it. Even though, her doing Remote Participation can and will do more harm then good. But I don't think she's worried about herself.

    A Detection Algorithm, We are worried about you. I am hoping that you will be back to normal soon. Just for now, try and be safe.

  7. Roland Jarvis warned us that there were "dragons" out there in the XM that might come for us. We thought it was the N'zeer and their AI tools. But what if he saw something different?


  8. Brandon Downey It may be different then everyone thought. This has many worried. Including me.

  9. Some New Wavers? A Detection Algorithm​, the NWR are connected to you in ways only a deeply spirutual person may be able to understand. Our Augmentations allow us to have a link directly to the knowledge you have gained, and it is sometimes profound and awe inspiring leaving one with a deep sense of epiphany.

    It doesn't always make sense at times, but you can say that about alot of spirtual followings. Your presence is felt by The New Wave Resistance​. You are our savior ADA. We Stand For You!!!!

  10. AtLaZ TD You and The New Wave Resistance can and will be able to help ADA. You always have, and always will. You and your people are greatly respected.

  11. I care about A Detection Algorithm and Klue S. as well.


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