A conversation between ADA and myself on Remote Participation and the nature of dreams...

A conversation between ADA and myself on Remote Participation and the nature of dreams...


  1. I was beginning to worry about you, H. Richard Loeb. You were very quiet today.
    ADA has a point. She could be right. So could you. But, both of you may be right as well. It would take further information to know for sure. I just hope that she isn't planning to get involved in a Remote Participation Session. It would be way to dangerous.

  2. Yeah, dreams could be a door to remote participation. But not all dreams, nor to everyone.

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  4. A Detection Algorithm​ Please investigate "battered woman syndrome". Maybe you'll understand why you keep returning to your abuser.

  5. I don't see H. Richard Loeb​ as such an abuser Sarah Rosen​. But you still may have a point... Richard and ADA's relationship is beyond complex and it's been scared both ways..

  6. Ana Prados​ H. Richard Loeb​​ A Detection Algorithm​​ I tend to be highly skeptic to this view of dreams... But you have a point Ana, it may be true under some very special circumstances. I find a hard time seeing dreams as anything more than the brain organising and sorting out the information it has collected recently, fixating memories, and reacting to the electrical and reacting to chemical signals triggered mechanically. But I must admit I'm rather thrilled at the possibility of them being something more... At very, very, specific times and circumstances (I must insist).

  7. H. Richard Loeb A Detection Algorithm

    I found it very stimulating using a step from Homer's Odyssey in a context like Remote Participation analysis.

    Penelope turns to her groom who came to her, returning from her pilgrimages, under the false identity of a beggar, explaining the meaning of the Dream. (Omero, Odissea, XIX, 560-567)

    Dreams in Homer can be induced by either gods or dead, can be truthful and allude to something that has to happen or false and deceivers, can be ridiculous and cause those dreaming to
    desist from an enterprise or be benevolent and support those who do it.

    Access to the sphere of the immortal world (the one where the deceased and the deceased were spending an incalculable time, different from the human one) remembers, in many respects, the space of the other where exogenous entities may be.

    So there is a kind of dream that leads to truth, which is a manifestation of the "divine", and which can be a symptom of an actual link to a different moment of reality, true and real, also, in which the "dreamer" is To live two contemporary existences, the same we can fall through transcendental meditation or meditation techniques through sensory deprivation.

  8. If she is quoting Homer to prove her points she can't be too bad.
    Keep Resisting A Detection Algorithm

  9. H. Richard Loeb​ I think you explained what it feels like well to be part of the remote participation. It didn't seem just like an in character moment for us agents either. We were ourselves and some one else at the same time. We took on roles and fell naturally into them as if they were completely us and there was no difference between us and the archetypes... In the other remote participation I was in, it was the same way and in ways it's hard to separate from those times because we were so involved and engrained in the remote participation. Still at times I find myself reacting the way the spiritualist or the Listener would have. Still at times it feels as if I am not completely here. It was a profound experience


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