At 13MAGNUS: Reawakens, Hank Johnson read some pages from a document he had recovered which recounts some of...

At 13MAGNUS: Reawakens, Hank Johnson read some pages from a document he had recovered which recounts some of Navarro's hidden past. I had asked Hank to share this information with me, and he obliged. Thank you, Hank.


  1. I can't lie, when Hank Johnson​ read this at#13magnusReawakens I got the same kind of chills as kne gets when a real good GM begins reading a recap at the begining of the game's final session, especially when the session begins with the PCs staring down the big bad and his army of mooks.

  2. Yik Sheng Lee​​ I don't think the anazktec were trting to warn the conquistadors of anything. If anything they were fighting for survival and to reclaim their totem ("god"). If they were aware of the powers the prime artifacts had, they may have feared what would happen upon their destruction.

    Also, from the events of the RPE the most worrying aspect of any dealings with that specific prime artifact was that it pulsing dark xm and was slowly corrupting and taking control of anyone who was within 15 - 20 meters (if 1 hex = 1 m) of it.

  3. This is awesome! Thanks H. Richard Loeb​

  4. Quite interesting. It's good to hear from you again.


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