As promised, the continuation of yesterday's drop -- a letter purportedly sent to Hank Johnson.

As promised, the continuation of yesterday's drop -- a letter purportedly sent to Hank Johnson. The sender is a person I have never met, but that pseudonym (I think it's a fake name...) is known to me -- they have been a source of intel in the past...


  1. I forget to write that Amaziah was slain at Lachish after began to worship idols he took from the Edomites. An unnamed prophet rebuked him for this and after that he lost a war against Jehoash, king of Israel.

  2. I read this letter with some interest, since I've long thought that the Magnuses of the past are in some way the ultimate unreliable narrators: Perfect recall for a period of 1331 days, and then wiped again.

    Imagine the perspective of an ancient sensitive -- taken into a Magnus, witnessing wonders and signs, and then after a period of a few years, memories lost again. Imagine awakening in some stone sarcophagus, surrounded by strangers, and being presented with scrolls penned in your own hand.

    The scrolls describe interactions with the gods. But could you believe yourself? How much of it might be your earlier self duped by fakirs and the like? How much of it might be enemies forging your personal histories? And how much of it might be your own self lying to you? Add to this the fact the longer your Magnus exists, the more memory mementos would be left for you to examine upon your rebirth -- over time, the 1331 days allotted to you would be insufficient to even verify and cross check what artifacts remained of your previous lives.

    I know that if I had lost my memory, and found blog entries dictating my own interactions with exogenous entities with technologies indistinguishable from magic, I'd be hard pressed to make sense of it -- this would be the very definition of 'lost in the mists'.

    We should consider carefully that groups that followed after the Magnuses would have even less fidelity as they aped XM technology with a cargo cult's zeal -- perhaps why we have funerary rituals like mummification, which were perhaps poor copies of a true Recursion.

    All this is to say that when we read accounts of talking statues, my first thoughts are not of robots, but instead a story about how purely mental/spiritual phenomena might be reified as a physical one in the retelling (or recursing).

    That said, if you want to talk about animate statues as real things, shouldn't the story start with golems? Come to think of it, don't the golem stories start with a glyph inscribed onto a clay statue?

  3. To be a little less skeptical, I see theorizing from recent posts by Yik Sheng Lee and others that Shapers and N'zeer might be 'forks' of some original Exogenous entity set.

    So many of the rituals and 'technology' associated with XM seem to be incomplete or imperfect. Concerns like the ones expressed in my preceding comment make it easy to believe this is possibly a result of a multi-dimensional version of the game of Telephone.

    But there is more here that makes this seem suspicious. Something happened in the deep time of our species to provide an Aegis for our world that limited the N'zeer's ability to influence history, but allowed Shapers to continue to exert what appears to be a more direct influence. Those Helios beacons drew the N'zeer here in a way they were not before!

    If we want to talk about the Yin/Yang theory of Shapers and N'zeer, we need to understand why this asymmetry existed in the first place.

    Did the Shapers act to shield humanity from some greater catastrophe? Was there a deeper, more primal entity, which used the Shapers and N'zeer? Would it be unlocked by the two sides connecting again? Could it only exist with the Shaper and N'zeer acting in concert?

    Or maybe this is reading too much into what happened. Maybe it wasn't just two Exogenous entities, maybe it was a Multitude ("I am Legion"); many voices crying out from beyond the outer reaches, and then a few finding purchase in our world with the seeds they sent.

    Think how a story like the Tower of Babel might support this theory, when viewed through the lens of theories about the bicameral mind. Originally, our minds were radios for many voices, but some essential purity allowed us to hear and translate between them all. Some event destroyed this era, and thereafter all was Babel.


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