"At the same time I can't wait to get it done and really dread doing it...its like the #Tecthulhu is somehow...

"At the same time I can't wait to get it done and really dread doing it...its like the #Tecthulhu is somehow sub-consciously telling me to stop building it. I don't know if this makes any sense."


  1. This looks and sounds eerily familiar, Jared Elgvin. This is an onyx feat of engineering but take heed of what befell Oliver Lynton-Wolfe and the many agents who decided to cross the bridge by transcending the laws of time and space during the #FateOfThe13 event...

    Beware of the source of the voice urging you on. Hank Johnson recently related an encounter with Jahan; "she explained how to use the #artifact and we set our coordinates in a way I will not explain here for obvious reasons."
    investigate.ingress.com - Hank Johnson: Past and Future

  2. I'm reminded of a spirit box*. .. A box (could be spherical, triangular, or a cube, etc) with a mirrored interrior surface. They are said to be able to magnify the paranormal energies of a location and over time strange things happen in their vicinity. For instance, digital and tape recorders placed next to them start picking up sounds of voices, scratching, banging etc, and electronic equipment also are often affected and pick up strange interference.

    *Often called a Devil's toy box.

  3. That's simply awesome and very ominous looking with its black spherical shape, fully enclosing the person using it. I guess the electronics will show something on the inner side but the spherical shape probably works for focusing XM onto the center of the sphere.

  4. When I saw this, I remembered an old novel in Japan.
    "鏡地獄(Mirror Hell)" written by Edogawa Ranpo is a story of a man who was fascinated by the mystery of the combined mirror.
    He is immersed in the research about the mirror, and finally confines himself inside the spherical mirror and gets crazy when seeing his appearance reflected there ....
    And no one knows what he saw...

  5. Creo que deberías poner una barrera faraday para aislar tu experimento......sino lo haces puedes ser tú el afectado....suerte con tu experimento


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