Martin Schubert, the Skeptic, offers a scathing indictment of the Tecthulhu-module based 13MAGNUS REAWAKENS art...

Martin Schubert, the Skeptic, offers a scathing indictment of the Tecthulhu-module based 13MAGNUS REAWAKENS art projects and the independent Tecthulhu project covered yesterday on Investigate.


  1. Yik Sheng Lee​ Schubert question the RPG experience but has never question the Tecthulhu. He can't. As a good sceptic, he has solid evidence about the Tecthulhu, so he has to believe in it and what it can do.
    I must say I'm worried as well. I'm glad Martin is voicing it like this...

    And yeah H. Richard Loeb​... Auch!!

  2. I've been thinking. What if tecthulhu is fed by intention and energy? What if the more negative thoughts / vibes we aim towards it , the more likely it does something harmful to humanity? So maybe instead of fearing or worrying about the outcome why don't we say "tecthulhu will be made and only good things will happen as a result*" ?

    * I assume that tecthulhu has a rudimentary intelligence meaning if you say "don't press the button," it would interpret the statement as "press the button."

  3. Mario Valenzuela II I'm pretty sure Agent KodamaSmiles was the one who said that the Tecthullu bends its will to that of its creator.

    So, based on that, I'm guessing whatever intentions that the 13MAGNUS: REAWAKENS creators or Jared Elgvin have will be poured into their Tecthullus.

  4. Mario Valenzuela II I think that if you desire a tecthulhu of war, that is what you will get. If you desire a gate into madness, it will oblige.

    What if you desire and expect something else? If you expect other rules, will you get them?

  5. Mustafa Said​​ even having good intentions may lead towards an evil action. For example if you wanted to end all war you can do so by killing off your enemies or ending life on Earth.

  6. Mario Valenzuela II totally agree. After all... The road to hell is full of good intentions!

  7. Typhoon Jim​ I'll go with the monkey's paw wish /rat bastard GM scenario. Meaning your wishes and desires are up to the interpretation of the grantee, in this case tecthulhu, when stated in a vague manner. So it's best to be specific in one's terms and conditions to prevent something wrong happening.


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