Information has begun to emerge about the mysterious Tecthulhu Modules that will live at the heart of the creative...

Information has begun to emerge about the mysterious Tecthulhu Modules that will live at the heart of the creative installations at MAGNUS: REAWAKENS. I've been able to recover a handful of documents related to these mysterious pieces of technology...…


  1. This will be very useful. Thank you H. Richard Loeb

  2. Also ab und an könnte Niantic zumindest einmal versuchen. . .

    . . . in IRGEND EINER Art glaubwürdige XM-Technologie zu skizzieren.
    Diese 'Zeichnung' taugt nicht einmal als Klopapier...

  3. I guess the Portal Status External Relay Port will be used to get information from the Tecthulhu. But what are the XM Sensitive Arrays for? I have a creepy feeling, do we need XM Sensitives to power this? Edit: I guess the more logical explanation is the XM sensitive array is detecting XM radiation.

  4. Does this tie back into the other post H. Richard Loeb made about the 3 types of XM/Sensitives?

  5. JoJo Stratton I first read it like XM Sensitives, but since the XM Sensitive array is connected via a sensor stalk it probably just means the tendril is sensitive to XM radiation. Like an antenna.

  6. But - could it be used to study and prove/disprove the idea of different types of XM? I mean we are use to just scooping up all the little XM dots we see and using them - what if it gets more pesky and you need green, blue or gray little xm dots....

  7. and how does CM factor into this? (Still wondering about the Devra incident in the Hulong lab and her injection....)

  8. JoJo Stratton My guess is the tendrils might be able to see different type of XM - or the resonator chamber will. Like a receiver tuned to a certain frequency.

  9. Cute drawing but can we get REAL info? Is it Arduino based? Raspberry Pi? Will the software become avalable to the public? What kind of specifications do art pieces have to meet to be compatable? Sorry I know yall fond of the 4th wall, but lets be serious for a sec.

  10. A good high level overview of how our modules will connect to the whole. I know our team is eating up the more comprehensive technical information Niantic has provided that cannot be made public. After all, it could be disastrous if the public at large got a hold of the technology and coding to make a Tecthulu device. If +Oliver Lynton-Wolfe's anything to go off of, tinkering with XM is not something the masses should be exposed to. #MagnusReawakens #luminescentheart


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