Hank visits NIA HQ and meets with someone who looms large in the history of XM...

Hank visits NIA HQ and meets with someone who looms large in the history of XM...


  1. I have that media :) - as to Calvin - I wonder also about the IQTech and DARPA connections and some of the people connected to Calvin via that pathway - There was a DARPA researcher Calvin had brought in - does anyone remember her name?

  2. Michell Smith Misty Hannah is a very complex person - but not the one I am referencing - this person was connected to DARPA and was doing more research for Calvin/others. Still looking for the name - eventually I will find it, I hope... Kinda like Edward Fault - so many names, so easily forgotten.

  3. on the subject of XM connected research and such - did we ever hear much about the SOCOM research referenced in this piece?

  4. I wonder where is this "liberation" coming from. Such a feeling is difficult to fake but I distrusts its origins. Liberation may actually come from a relief of a previous burden as it may also come from a total acceptance of it and it's circumstances being out of your control. When you realise that there is nothing else you can do and your fate is out of your hand you my experience a sense of total peace, elation even, from not having to really care about it anymore. Maybe this is the stage Calvin is currently on. And his "liberation" does not come from an "expiation" of his sins, but from a total and utterly embrace of them and the inevitability of their outcome. A man in such a state may be unpredictable and dangerous.

  5. The easiest way to explain it is that he doesn't feel guilty since he rationalized that there is nothing to feel guilty about because the sins he committed were not the sins of his current simulacrum. He figures that the Calvin that committed them is long dead, and he's done nothing wrong since he rose from his XM coffin meaning in his mind he has instant absolution.

  6. Here are my thoughts on the news Hank shared on Wright and the NIA:

    I can't exactly put into words how it feels to have deeper confirmation that Edgar Allan Wright is cooperating with the NIA.

    This is the same agency that put you, H. Richard Loeb and Klue S. on the run and threatened their lives, that made people like the professor from Berkeley and his students disappear, that made ben jackland go into hiding to this day and they're responsible for the disinformation campaign to make Ingress appear to be a game which continues to this day.

    Personally, cooperation with any of the forces attempting to obfuscate and silence the work of transparency done by groups like Essex, Project Lyceaum and Isthmus won't give us all the answers we want.

  7. I'm in two of those lol but I might somehow contain its knowledge by different means of research being I ju started researching this in Jan. But started playing two weeks before via lux and no longer have my account cause of ban smh. Irl I'm always researching from technology down to philosophical theories and spiritual structures I've never garduated from high school and can say love researching Albert Einstein and telsa since 4th grade now in 28 n non stop researching no friends or others to tell besides now on here lol


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