Completing his thoughts from yesterday -- Hank Johnson probes the true nature of our reality -- versus the narrative...

Completing his thoughts from yesterday -- Hank Johnson probes the true nature of our reality -- versus the narrative construction we build to try and understand it...


  1. Hank Johnson​ is beginning to sound more like the acolyte, I hope this isn't a sign of things to come.

  2. Yik Sheng Lee​​​ &​ Hank Johnson​​​​, some humans, those who choose to, are in control of their own destinies.
    Those who choose to define their own fates, create their own destiny, and carve their own path are those who gamble everything and change things. One way or another those who struggle against the fates are the catalysts of change in our world.

    -Those who know of humanity's greatness
    -Those who unshakably trust in humanity's ability to move forward
    -Those who know of their own strength and abilities
    - Those who have unshakable trust in themselves
    -Those who know we don't need alien influence
    -Those who RESIST!

  3. I have a question. If Hank Johnson​, or anybody else, hacks a portal and then travels through the anomalous zones links and then hack a portal at the destination, will he be banned?

  4. Quantum Effect yes, those who continue to fear once the nature of the world has been revealed to them may indeed resist and seek to hand over control of this greater reality. Fearing the image of the divine they thought they had abolished, they then seek, as in that immortal phrase, to invent the gods that will interpret this new reality for them. Trading the light of the soul for a series of ever more silent algorithmic black boxes.

    The truth is beyond chaos, beyond order, and beyond belief, but it has always been just in our grasp. All it takes to know what we have is to be awake. Anyone can hear the message and follow the signs, for the path that got us as far as we have come continues on. We aren't alone.

    If you aren't afraid, you are already on the path to become awakened- to become Enlightened.

  5. When you block those who say things you don't like is that fear Typhoon Jim?
    An open mind will be open to take on board other opinions. Only a closed mind would block other opinions.


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