This man is a major figure when it comes to the topic of our shared future with the evolving (and to be fair, not...

This man is a major figure when it comes to the topic of our shared future with the evolving (and to be fair, not fully understood) machine systems of our own creation... Definitely someone I keep track of. At the SXSW conference last week, Ray Kurzweil…


  1. What many would consider to be the future, is the past or present for many Ingress​ agents, like Ray Kurzweil and the #NWR, rushing ever faster to meet the horizon; transcending Human, in body and mind.

    One will only fear that which is unknown until it becomes them.

  2. AI is #hereandnow already smarter than human beings.

  3. Perhaps, after all, the possibility of having already control the AI so that you do not show a danger to the human race as a whole is real and present, and not a necessity so dark as it heralded Society for the Ethical Treatment of AIs in his posts of months ago.

    Achim S. ,we could also link this research that you have done, do not you think?

  4. I love ADA but don't wanna install her physically. She is our friend. Shapers are also our friend. There's no enemy at all. However, XM sounds like medicine and toxin. Too much medicine might be a critical toxin, and vice versa. All responsibility is in our each hands.

  5. A line of thought with which I am in complete agreement Ahimsa 4w0R1d

  6. Respect Nature, and the natural order of things. Beauty will grow from you like flowers grow from stalks.

    As poetically spoken by Society for the Ethical Treatment of AIs​ AI has no place in this world. It is much more of a threat to humanity than the Shapers, or perhaps even N'zeer.

  7. Our extremism shows but the measured view of Ahimsa 4w0R1d might be a safe middle-ground to embrace both natural and artificial developments; not to follow a system on principle alone but also not to dismiss its merit in fear.

    Somewhere in-between fear and non-fear/faith, is that knowledge?

  8. If you look at it we already have this, just at higher latencies and we are less aware of it. Personal knowledge is less important since the creation of search engines and again as smart phones became wide spread.
    There has already been a shift in how available information is.

    When was zero invented? Just search for it with your phone, an algorithm (precursor to an A.I.?) will help you find out when, by who and the initial usage.

    Google glass, if it had been taken up, might have been a close contender for what the speaker was describing (at higher latencies), having photo, video and audio memories stored online.
    It didn't require a loss of autonomy, implants, etc.


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