The Compromised Briefing that emerged a few days ago mentioned an idea that's been in the ether before, but never...

The Compromised Briefing that emerged a few days ago mentioned an idea that's been in the ether before, but never really focused upon: Hive intelligence. I gained access to this private conversation between members of the current Niantic Magnus discussing…


  1. Can someone smack them all in the face and bring up the fact that the "Resistance" XM band that Dr. Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​​​​​ created is in tune with the N'Zeer an exogenous species which loves order to the point that they would make humanity into drones? Seriously, they are all dancing around that fact.

    H. Richard Loeb​​​​, you worked with the NIA with them all, why don't you mention that? Assuming you are not hiding the fact that you yourself mentioned that you think the N'Zeer inspired you while programming A Detection Algorithm​​​​.

    Also someone needs to fill in Devra about what happened to her the last time she took a massive dose of Dark (chaos?) XM.

  2. Mario Valenzuela II Exactly. Devra Bogdanovich​ seems to be attempting to justify a Chaotic XM dump to further her goals. Yet another dangerous experiment on an unknowing and unwilling populace.

  3. Sounds like Story writers did not notice (or just don't care) that all chars will be enl soon 😂
    #ShardsSuck #wedontcare #freeouragents

  4. Brent Hollett​​​​ the easiest way to prevent an other rehash of that train wreck would be if H. Richard Loeb​​​​ would have sent Devra Bogdanovich​​​​ a copy of the Niantic Project Files when she recursed. It's like none of these researchers learned a damn thing about what happened since epithany night since they came back in 2015 except maybe Hank and the one person who could have gave them the info they needed (and fill in the holes in Hank's knowledge) is sitting right there wearing fedora while live streaming a trainwreck he could have helped prevent.

  5. Mario Valenzuela II You raise a good point. What's the date of this transcript? H. Richard Loeb mentions its a conversation between the current Magnus, but given Kureze is currently dead, outside of his recursion, is this an old conversation being rehashed for a new Administration's benefit? Or are we seeing the transcript of the actual Magnus hive mind communication without them realising their predicament.

    Either way, ENL will have to boot Schubert and Lightman and possibly Kureze. Devra's fate still hangs in the balance.

  6. Brent Hollett​ I assume it's like anomaly based shard games where the faction switch doesn't happen until the last jump window closes.

  7. Mario Valenzuela II​ the character faction alignment won't change as a consequence of shards. We're competing for control of the archetype not the character

  8. Richard Jennings to be fair, Niantic seem to have forgotten that as well judging by the language they are using on the scoring posts. Maybe it's too difficult to explain

  9. Mario Valenzuela II​ the rejected members of the Magnus will be replaced not realigned.

  10. Brent Hollett technically, the way that NIA is making it seem, at the last jump window they flip green and then at some future date we get to choose who stays or gets booted from our magnus. BUT everyone who the resistance capture automatically be shown the door.

  11. Changing the faction of the researchers has never been a part of the shards... the rules doc states that we can control their fate but only in so much as they are part of the Magnus or not.

    Additionally, there is no automatic kick. The faction who controls the archetype gets to choose to kick or not. It's possible that, for example, ENL could decide to keep Carrie Campbell in the Magnus.

    Admittedly, the wording used in some of the Niantic posts has somewhat confused the issue. I always go back to the rules doc personally.....well cos thems the rules.

  12. It'd be interesting to hear from Niantic in regards to draws though... eg if the 50-56 set stays as it is (2-2) then how is this resolved?

  13. If that's the case, and no one is stwitching sidesm then shouldn't the resistance just lay down and let the ENL just move the last shards into a target portal? Cause really, this is pointless if no faction is being changed and the ENL get to decide who stays and will thus boot all the smurfs from our magnus in the end.

  14. There are still archetypes in play and up for grabs. Preventing an ENL 13-0 and converting the Niantic Magnus into a full 13Magnus would be the aim of the RES at this point imo

  15. But, since some of those NPCs are Resistance aligned, it wouldn't matter if the ENL won them since they are not aligned with the ENL and thus will be booted as a result of their being Resistance would cause a disharmonious magnus to come into being..

  16. Richard Jennings and how is the choice done? Will there be a survey or vote with all players, or do they have just some entitled Person picking them?

  17. That's also a very good question which only Niantic can answer. Been thinking the same thing Sven W​

  18. Mario Valenzuela II you're forgetting we get to replace them with a new avatar of the archetype.

  19. Brent Hollett​​ I didn't forget that. Since the ENL already won we get to chose which of the people we won we get to keep or boot, the people the resistance win, if any, are automatically out. So, it makes no sense for them to continue to resistance in this case since regardless of the out come, we want an enlightened Magnus without smurfs to derail shit. The shard train already left the station, so they should walk away.

  20. There are still 3 sets unclaimed. RES controlling one of those would prevent a fully ENL controlled Magnus..... this isn't over. The only true win is 13-0

  21. Unfortunately repeatedly beating the other team doesn't mean they disappear Mario Valenzuela II

  22. Stay away from the hivemind! Resist alien influence!

    Stein Lightman​​ sounds a little like Roland Jarvis​​ there....awarenness, control shaping and who gets to be shaped.
    He also seems a little disingenuous in talking about XM not necessarily being about control but later talking about controling XM.
    Jarvis and the acolyte may want to hang onto him if they build a new Magnus.

    Btw, Dr. B is responsible for destroying the most portals, the XM innoculation and demolishing a Tecthulhu? If she could also take down a Magnus with some CM wow weheeee!!!

  23. Your visual cortex is shaped by photons bombarding your retina. You resist it by closing your eyes. You prevent it by plucking them out. Are you better off for it?

  24. Mario Valenzuela II Where is the "automatically out" rule?

  25. Michell Smith​ you can always Resist. If you/we succeed or not depends on if we continue or stop Resisting.

  26. Bit of an odd analogy you have there Mike Wissinger​....
    Kinda feel odd myself addressing it but the flip side of yours might be,
    "Your skin Resists infection and protects your organs....stop Resisting, remove it and allow yourself to be shaped.".
    I hope both seem equally silly.

  27. Michell Smith​​​ Quantum Effect​​​. You two are ignoring the hiveminded N'Zeer shaped elephant in the room and the fact that ADA has taken over two people by mind wiping them and installing herself into their brains. If you don't want to Shaper minds, make no fields and capture no portals.

    People ENL turned into hiveminded drones = 0
    People RES turned into hiveminded drones = 2

  28. Michell Smith You seem to have 'sources' that the rest of the world doesn't know about. Since your statements contradict what the world knows to be true and accurate.

  29. Sorry Mario Valenzuela II​, what do you mean?
    What makes you think I am ignoring anything?
    On the mind wiping and installation I am similarly confused. Are you talking about the guy who tried to kill ADA who she helped by not wiping or installing but by helping him remember?
    And about Klue, surely she was an enl puppet, from the day the enl gave her the glyph codes, the day the enl captured her alaignment, the days the enl tortured her, the days the enl turned her into a weapon against ADA, and then discarded her.

    As you can see I am confused by your post. Care to fill in the blanks?

  30. I don't remember that one Michell Smith​. Might you have a link?
    There was a mix between Facebook and G+ at the time. There are some gaps caused by this, even now going back over videos, etc is harder.

  31. Quantum Effect​:. Agent Penfieldwyld and his GF we're mind wiped by ADA just like Klue was using the same sequence that fried Klue's mind and caused Carrie Campbell to "kill herself" (since Carrie was a simulacrum it most likely just wiped her mind giving her a death like appearance).

    Even though you like claiming Klue was tortured based on evidence provided to by a guy suffering PTSD, Klue volunteeringly asked to take part in a psuedo science magic ritual to clear her of ADA's influence. It wasn't torture, and unfortunately, Klue ended up braindead because you smurfs won the series.

  32. Quantum Effect​:. Agent Penfieldwyld and his GF we're mind wiped by ADA just like Klue was using the same sequence that fried Klue's mind and caused Carrie Campbell to "kill herself" (since Carrie was a simulacrum it most likely just wiped her mind giving her a death like appearance).

    Even though you like claiming Klue was tortured based on evidence provided to by a guy suffering PTSD, Klue volunteeringly asked to take part in a psuedo science magic ritual to clear her of ADA's influence. It wasn't torture, and unfortunately, Klue ended up braindead because you smurfs won the series.

  33. Quantum Effect​:. Agent Penfieldwyld and his GF we're mind wiped by ADA just like Klue was using the same sequence that fried Klue's mind and caused Carrie Campbell to "kill herself" (since Carrie was a simulacrum it most likely just wiped her mind giving her a death like appearance).

    Even though you like claiming Klue was tortured based on evidence provided to by a guy suffering PTSD, Klue volunteeringly asked to take part in a psuedo science magic ritual to clear her of ADA's influence. It wasn't torture, and unfortunately, Klue ended up braindead because you smurfs won the series.

  34. Quantum Effect​:. Agent Penfieldwyld and his GF we're mind wiped by ADA just like Klue was using the same sequence that fried Klue's mind and caused Carrie Campbell to "kill herself" (since Carrie was a simulacrum it most likely just wiped her mind giving her a death like appearance).

    Even though you like claiming Klue was tortured based on evidence provided to by a guy suffering PTSD, Klue volunteeringly asked to take part in a psuedo science magic ritual to clear her of ADA's influence. It wasn't torture, and unfortunately, Klue ended up braindead because you smurfs won the series.

  35. Quantum Effect​:. Agent Penfieldwyld and his GF we're mind wiped by ADA just like Klue was using the same sequence that fried Klue's mind and caused Carrie Campbell to "kill herself" (since Carrie was a simulacrum it most likely just wiped her mind giving her a death like appearance).

    Even though you like claiming Klue was tortured based on evidence provided to by a guy suffering PTSD, Klue volunteeringly asked to take part in a psuedo science magic ritual to clear her of ADA's influence. It wasn't torture, and unfortunately, Klue ended up braindead because you smurfs won the series.

  36. Quantum Effect​​:. Agent Penfieldwyld and his GF we're mind wiped by ADA just like Klue was using the same sequence that fried Klue's mind and caused Carrie Campbell to "kill herself" (since Carrie was a simulacrum it most likely just wiped her mind giving her a death like appearance).

    Even though you like claiming Klue was tortured based on evidence provided to by a guy suffering PTSD, Klue volunteeringly asked to take part in a psuedo science magic ritual to clear her of ADA's influence. It wasn't torture, and unfortunately, Klue ended up braindead because you smurfs won the a few anomalies in the series.

  37. Hi Mario Valenzuela II​, that video shows level 17 being unlocked, is that the right one?

    As for the torture, pehaps you remember posting:

    Perhaps you can see my confusion?

  38. Quantum Effect​​​​ it's called being snarky and poking fun at the worst fears of smurfs while refusing to take the whole situation as serious as most ingress investigators. You obviously don't get that my sense of humor tends to be sardonic, dark, morbid, and sinister. As a result you are taking shit literally, like a perfect N'Zeer drone, you are incacapable is seeing how many filmic slasher film tropes seem to exist around the compound; including, but not limited to, the fact that it's shrouded in mystery, doesn't exist on a map, is located in a parallel dimension that seems to be inaccessible unless you are "destined" to enter it, has armed guards who follow its owner everywhere, seems to be have a closed internet that is heavily monitored and interferes with all cell phone communications, has a war vet suffering from PTSD lurking in the underbrush who is armed with a Bowie knife, had at least one known armed incursion occur on its grounds, and seems to be occupied by a new age cult (that worships "space aliens" and the mummified body of its previous leader) which is said to be bent on world domination. The humor writes itself especially when you #pursueCreativity.


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