This has been a topic I have been curious in.

This has been a topic I have been curious in... I'm glad to see the list of Archetypes emerge, but unfortunately the document was partially redacted... Some of the connections seem fairly obvious -- I have my own guesses as to which Researchers connect to…


  1. The false positive bans are missing. #free42

  2. Yik Sheng Lee​ Nice.
    I've got Stein as the Interpreter, Jarvis as the Spiritualist, and Carrie the Visionary.
    It will be fun if we get to see JP's predictions in an unredacted version!

  3. The Explorer: Hank Johnson
    The Dreamer: Stein Lightman
    The Alchemist: Oliver Lynton Wolf
    The Humanist: Devra Bogdonavich
    The Spiritualist: Yuri Nagassa
    The Omniscient: Roland Jarvis
    The Interpreter: Carrie Campbell
    The Trickster: Misty Hannah
    The Skeptic: Martin Schubert
    The Listener: Enoch Dalby
    The Visionary: Victor Kureze
    The Patron: Zeke Calvin
    The Catalyst: A Detection Algorithm

    I really see ADA as the catalyst because she was the one that brought it all to a head and created real change.

  4. The Explorer: Hank Johnson
    The Dreamer: Yuri Nagassa
    The Alchemist: Oliver Lynton-Wolfe
    The Humanist: Devra Bogdanovich
    The Spiritualist: Roland Jarvis
    The Omniscient: Victor Kureze
    The Interpreter: Stein Lightman
    The Trickster: Misty Hannah
    The Skeptic: Martin Schubert
    The Listener: Enoch Dalby
    The Visionary: Carrie Campbell
    The Patron: Zeke Calvin
    The Catalyst: ADA (A Detection Algorithm)

  5. Hmm based on researcher backgrounds and actions, my best guess would be...
    The Explorer: Hank Johnson; the Enlightened Explorer
    The Dreamer: Yuri Nagassa; lived among the Anaztec and told their tales.
    The Alchemist: Victor Kureze; Niantic researcher and physicist with Clearance Level = Alchemist, who worked on XM experiments, died in the Niantic facility.
    The Humanist: Devra Bogdanovich; lead scientist, creator of the Portal Virus.
    The Spiritualist: Roland Jarvis; sculptor and original spiritual leader of the Enlightened.
    The Omniscient: A Detection Algorithm; the all-seeing artificial intelligence developed by Niantic.
    The Interpreter: Stein Lightman; Quantum Theologian, deciphered Shaper Glyphs.
    The Trickster: Misty Hannah; XM sensitive stage magician, used illusion and "magic tricks"to mask her abilities.
    The Skeptic: Martin Schubert; XM researcher, pulled into Niantic to play the skeptic and argue counterpoints.
    The Listener: Enoch Dalby; XM sensitive and XM-tuned musician.
    The Visionary: Carrie Campbell; original pioneer of Shaper Glyph research, went on to to discover the Shaper Glyph language, writing down her initial thoughts in what she called her “Vision Journal”, deceased.
    The Patron: Ezekiel Calvin; NIA field agent who instigated the Niantic Project and recruited all of its members
    The Catalyst: Oliver Lynton-Wolfe; XM Chief Engineer who created the Ingress Scanner and XM constructs. His hypercube experiment caused the events of Ephiphany night which caused the entire project except for Hank Johnson to be exposed to high levels of XM.

  6. I get why people have Misty pegged as the trickster but I think that's OLW. The trickster, as an archetype, isn't so literal. They can be catalysts but typically they are survivors who do just that through deceit, misdirection, knowledge not necessarily known to others, and (at times) transgressive behavior that screws with the natural order of things. The existence of XM constructs is "wrong" for our reality, albeit a convenient one. That Tec-thulhu is the apex of his body of work regarding things-that-should-not-be.*

    Every step of the way there have been layers in his objectives. We have often found ourselves the patsies in many a plan sold to us as "help" or for the greater good. The ability use a variety of faces to play multiple sides at once is a skill a trickster can't live without. OLW is always playing Xanatos speed chess and don't you ever forget it. He's a more malevolent variety of trickster now that he's compromised.

    * As far as we know. Give it a few weeks.

  7. This is what I have based on my understanding of each of the members:
    Explorer - Hank Johnson
    The Dreamer - Stein Lightman *Roland Jarvis
    The Alchemist - Roland Jarvis *Oliver Lynton Wolf
    The Humanist - Devra Bogdonavich
    The Spiritualist - Yuri Nagassa
    The Omniscient - ADA
    The Interpreter - Carrie Campbell
    The Trickster - Oliver Lynton Wolf *Stein Lightman
    The Skeptic - Martin Schubert
    The Listener - Enoch Dalby
    The Visionary - Misty Hannah
    The Patron - Victor Kureze *Ezekiel Calvin
    The Catalyst - Ezekiel Calvin *Victor Kureze

    *I must amend my first conclusions after doing more research on the skills and abilities of the different archetypes.

  8. Yik Sheng Lee I definitely see Misty as a Trickster - look how many times she escaped and used her wits to get others to do things (think about her Magic Castle performance - do we really know who killed that man for her...) I can see Yuri as the dreamer only because of his connection to the Tribe and how they use dreams - of course if you use Dreamer to mean someone who thinks big (like say Walt Disney) then you could put a couple others in The Dreamer category

    Which is something I wonder - almost all of those types have ranges and dual meanings (I kinda like to look at word meanings ;)

    Also - word meanings have evolved over time, which makes me think those archtype definitions evolve over time too

    Also - while OLW definitely is a heavy alchemist - I almost could swap him and Victor - remember Victor's work at the popchip A662 labs and you have to admit - a lot of what OLW does is a catalyst for other actions - I mean he keeps popping all over the place and stirring the pot (also why I could see OLW and MIsty changing places... AGAIN depends on your definition of the words

    And last - YAY for Devra Bogdanovich as the humanist - I am an ardent Devra supporter and to see her in that role - especially a very brilliant scientist as she is - well YAY team Humanist :)

  9. The Explorer - Hank
    The Dreamer - Yuri
    The Alchemist - Victor
    The Humanist - Devra
    The Spiritualist - Stein
    The Omniscient - ADA
    The Interpreter - Carrie
    The Trickster - Klue*
    The Skeptic - Martin
    The Listener - Enoch
    The Visionary - Oliver
    The Patron - Calvin
    The Catalyst - Jarvis

  10. The Explorer: Hank Johnson
    The Dreamer: Yuri Nagassa
    The Alchemist: OLW
    The Humanist: Devra Bogdanovich
    The Spiritualist: Misty Hannah
    The Omniscient: ADA
    The Interpreter: Enoch Dalby
    The Trickster: Stein Lightman
    The Skeptic: Martin Schubert
    The Listener: Carrie Campbell
    The Visionary: Victor Kureze
    The Patron: Zeke Calvin
    The Catalyst: Roland Jarvis

    greetings from Chile

  11. The Explorer – Hank
    The Dreamer – Yuri
    The Alchemist - Oliver – created XM Tech.
    The Humanist –Devra
    The Spiritualist – Victor- Shaper mind virus interacts with the human mind, our mind is our spirit.
    The Omniscient - ADA
    The Interpreter – Stein Lightman- translated glyphs.
    The Trickster - Misty
    The Skeptic – Martin Schubert self-proclaimed skeptic.
    The Listener – Enoch- Listened to the sounds we all make, rhythms of life, attributed meaning to them.
    The Visionary - Jarvis
    The Patron – Calvin – created Niantic Project
    The Catalyst – Carrie- Although she worked with Enoch, she served as a Catalyst.

    This is a unique challenge. Many of the researchers filled multiple roles as was needed in different times. What we need to identify is their defining moments or actions to reveal their Archetypes.

  12. H. Richard Loeb What about Klue? Where would she fit into all of this? Could she be a rare Archetype that can change roles, a hybrid sensitive? Also, Are Anti-Magnus Archetypes classified the same way as Magnus Archetypes?

  13. Here's my interpretation:
    The Explorer: Hank Johnson
    The Dreamer: Yuri Nagassa
    The Alchemist: Misty Hannah
    The Humanist: Devra Bogdanovich
    The Spiritualist: Carrie Campbell
    The Omniscient: ADA
    The Interpreter: Stein Lightman
    The Trickster: Roland Jarvis
    The Skeptic: Martin Schubert
    The Listener: Enoch Dalby
    The Visionary: Zeke Calvin
    The Patron: Victor Kureze
    The Catalyst: Oliver Lynton Wolfe

  14. The Traveler: Henry "Hank" Johnson
    He worked in the Special Forces in Afghanistan, then traveled to Africa, Asia, and so on.

    The Dreamer: Yuri Alaric Nagassa
    On page g+ a lot of thoughts, dreams, childhood spent in a tribe in South America, which possessed knowledge XM.

    The Alchemist: Oliver Linton-Wolf
    Eternal inventor, scientist, created a lot of things on the type Jarvis sculptures.

    The Humanist: Devra Bogdanovich
    Fighting for humanity, it held a conference, a reflection of the Resistance, which creates.

    The Spiritualist: Ronald Jarvis
    Has connection with shapers, an ardent supporter of the radical Enlightenment, is the archetype of a Devra

    The Omniscient: ADA
    AI created to know everything and be able to, is omnipresent.

    The Interpreter: Stein Lightman
    Translated into ordinary human language glyphs and studies them.

    The Trickster: Misty Hannah
    As a magician and illusionist is forever hiding their abilities strong feelings.

    The Skeptic: Martin Schubert
    Always it refers to the entire mission.

    The Listener: Enoch Dolby
    Create music of his visions XM.

    The Visionary: Carrie Campbell
    Pioneer glyphs, not translated, but wrote down his feelings, visions in his "Vision Journal". Located under the archetype of Enoch, because they loved each other.

    The Patron: Ezekiel Calvin
    Head, head of the laboratory project Niantic, gathered all together.

    The Catalyst: Victor Kureze
    He died because of the interaction with Jarvis' body. He made the first discoveries in the XM nature, I realized that it is enclosed information "mental virus shapers".

    Google Translate, sorry

  15. My guess is...

    The Listener /enoch dalby
    The Patron / ADA (A Detection Algorithm)
    The Trickster / Misty Hannah
    The Omniscient / Oliver Lynton-Wolfe
    The Skeptic / Martin Schubert
    The Dreamer / Ezekiel Calvin
    The Alchemist / Stein Lightman
    The Visionary / Hank Johnson
    The Spiritualist / Yuri Alaric Nagassa
    The Interpreter / Carrie Campbell
    The Catalyst/Roland Jarvis
    The Humanist / Devra Bogdanovich
    The Explorer / Victor Kureze

  16. As viewpoint 'What works Magnus expects to each of them,' I thought as follows.

    The Explorer: Hank Johnson
    ...brings new information from the outside and a broad perspective.
    The Dreamer: Victor Kureze
    ...leads the project greatly by advanced theory, although few understanders.
    The Alchemist: Oliver Lynton-Wolfe
    ...ties resource to achievement.
    The Humanist: Devra Bogdanovich ethics to science and supports significance.
    The Spiritualist: Roland Jarvis
    ...supports projects from the spiritual aspect with sculptural works.
    The Omniscient: A Detection Algorithm
    ...stores all knowledge and gives wisdom according to demand.
    The Interpreter: Stein Lightman
    ...interprets the given information and events and turns them into useful forms.
    The Trickster: Misty Hannah
    ...destroys the old order and concepts and creates the foundation for new creation.
    The Skeptic: Martin Schubert
    ...brings a multifaceted viewpoint by doubting existing ideas.
    The Listener: enoch dalby
    ...listens and conveys the message of others(Carrie, Jarvis, Shaper and more).
    The Visionary: Carrie Campbell
    ...visualizes Dalby's music and Shaper's message and suggested direction.
    The Patron: Ezekiel Calvin
    ...provides and supports the resources required for the activity.
    The Catalyst: Yuri Alaric Nagassa
    ...has both ancient folklore and modern science knowledge and works as a catalyst for both sides.

  17. Wow... way to mangle the tarot... more than half of those don't exist as archetypes in the deck in the sense that they're being portrayed.

  18. Here is my list, as it stands now.
    Explorer - Hank Johnson
    Dreamer - Roland Jarvis
    Alchemist - Oliver Lynton-Wolfe
    Humanist - +Victor Kureze
    Spiritualist - Stein Lightman
    Omniscient - A Detection Algorithm
    Interpreter - Carrie Campbell
    Trickster - Misty Hannah
    Skeptic - Martin Schubert
    Listener - enoch dalby
    Visionary - Yuri Alaric Nagassa
    Patron - Devra Bogdanovich
    Catalyst - +Zeke Calvin

    I fully expect this to change as more comes to light


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