"Our official position regarding the massive cache of documents amassed by this online Investigation is that it...

"Our official position regarding the massive cache of documents amassed by this online Investigation is that it consists almost entirely of disinformation and chaff released by the IC in order to obfuscate our actual intelligence assets. The…


  1. Why aren't we trolling Drudge with these "leaks"?

  2. So Thomas Greanias book is now "legend" and non-canon?

  3. Derek Longbow​ Officially, it's disinformation. Unofficially, they are uncertain. At least that is what one is lead to think of they were to take the words in this latest leak for truth

  4. Um..13MAGNUS and Anti MAGNUS have leaders.

    Hank Johnson​ leads 13MAGNUS and Jahan leads the Anti MAGNUS..

    Did Jay forget that or was he lying?

  5. and have we decided what it is a Magnus does?


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