I honestly don't know if I should believe this leaked chatlog -- it seems surreal in some ways.

I honestly don't know if I should believe this leaked chatlog -- it seems surreal in some ways. For now, I'm treating it at as real... it appears Calvin was able to bring together all the former Niantic Researchers (most of whom have stayed way, way…


  1. All of the members of 13Magnus or antimagnus were of the same alignment. So what would happen if ENL or RES manages to control all the members? Slim chance of controlling all but it could happen.

  2. Arvind Bala I assume it would become Anti Magnus or 13 Magnus, banishing Enoch,Oliver, and Jarvis. Our only confirmed Enlightened members of the Magnus.

  3. Speaking of enoch dalby​ I notice Carrie is on, but no dalby. Hope everything is okay.

  4. Arvind Bala​ Wether they switch alignment or they form a (anti)magnus nevertheless. Maybe this one is flawed then

  5. Does the shard score immediately when it reaches a target portal or at the end of phase?
    Because, with alignment changes mid-phase, doesn't moving a shard to a target NOW score the shard for the other faction when the phase ends?

  6. Jeffrey Jway once its scored its fixed. The target realignment wont affect the score.

  7. Strange that Calvin didn't know about this alignment thing. But there have been rogue Magnusses before.

  8. I see a flaw with this shard event.

    I assume whoever wins the most shards gets to own the Magnus. I assume they automatically get the individuals who they captured the higher number of shards for, and those they don't own shards of will no longer be Magnus members.

    But who decides who stays in the Magnus out of the individuals they own? I don't think there will be a poll that would be pushed to the winning faction's scanners. So does that mean it will be Jahan and Acolyte who decides who stays and who goes?


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