Another fragment of this classified White House briefing about XM and the IC's (intel community's) investigation...

Another fragment of this classified White House briefing about XM and the IC's (intel community's) investigation into the Niantic Project has emerged.

The first fragment emerged a few days ago, you can find it here.

An interesting look back at the way this journey began for many of us, and a concentrated primer for those joining us now...



  1. Make ingress great again. Stop this shard thing, give us anomalies, #free42

  2. "Fill the swamp". Love it 👍🏽

    I wonder if these compromised briefings will make their way to the press. I'd like to hear the administration's public position on Exotic Matter and the reports of Russia hacking notable portals. Without a doubt, this would make an interesting Press Secy. Sean Spicy WH press briefing.

  3. Dexter Torres​ quickest way to make that happen would be for someone to ping Trump on Twitter and ask him what the government knows about exotic matter, the Shapers and N'Zeer aliens.

  4. next xm briefing will talk about Jarvis's death? Or the night power cube Boom!

  5. They Will restart Niantic Labs! Believe me.


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