When I shared my experiences at the new-year Portal ceremony, I claimed that I had seen both New Wave Resistance and...

When I shared my experiences at the new-year Portal ceremony, I claimed that I had seen both New Wave Resistance and New Wave Enlightened mixing. An Agent in the comments called me out -- saying that the existence of New Wave Enlightened has never…


  1. I believe that it was.The Acolyte once stated that for the NWE to augment themselves with technology would be blasphemy to the human form. I suspect their augmentation would resemble something along the lines of the visual augmentation that happened to Carrie Campbell- it may even be somehow related. Perhaps Enoch could reveal further information?

  2. “Look at her skin.” She pointed to one of the women in green garb. A small, dark wound was present upon her flesh, like a burn or a strange disease. “It is a sign that she has touched the powers hidden within the līmina. She carries it with pride, like one of your battle scars. She has become one with the līmina. Now she carries a piece of them with her.”


    This description from Obsidius, who took part at a similar festival, could lead to conclusions of a dark xm effect - chaotic syndrome. Tattoos were used more than 5000 years ago to heal wounds. Even iceman Otzi had 61 tattoos all over his body. Ancient societies believed in the magic of signs and symbols. Could it be that NWE use this knowledge to reverse unwanted side effects?

  3. My lil penny into the pot is that yes, the green one was a member of NWEnl. This is good, on an hand, 'cause shows clearly that working togheter is possible for factions. On the other i cant stop thinking if this cooperation will endure...

  4. I just read the description of the NWE and must say that the description fits with my own idea of the NWE. I work as a Henna artist for 10 years now and sometimes when glyphhacking I think to have seen several glyphs in patterns from India, Morocco, Sudan, Nigeria and others. I ve been doing research about it for a while now and I have come to the conclusion that with glyphs and the knowledge of traditional bodyadornment ( such as Henna, mendhi, tattoo and others) one could probably obtain the ability to synchronise with the portals as ancient civilisations did in their way to achieve "enlightment".

  5. Circuits or traces can actually be made with all sorts of materials (just finished a unit on paper circuits as an intro to wearble tech for my students). What if the markings and materials are a biological circuit trace - to enhance not a "digital electrical" transfer, but a transfer of another kind? A biological connected type.

  6. JoJo Stratton I was thinking along the same lines, that it was a biological circuit trace. It makes sense that the NWR would appear first then, their change would enable at the flip of a switch whereas the NWE's augmentation would have to be grown and develop over time. There are interesting benefits from both approaches. NWR is a fast augmentation which can interface better with our existing tech, but the NWE Biological approach would give them incredible storage capacity and enhanced biological abilities. We could be seeing people of the same mindset leveraging the best of what both factions can offer to reach a common goal.

  7. JoJo Stratton The technology of the NWR would enable them to connect to outside networks and the AI that they embrace. But I wonder if the "biological circuitry" utilized by the NWE could provide a much more powerful connection, opening the NWE agents to XM, which is ordered data after all.

  8. The term "New Wave Enlightened" is an oxymoron. Evolution is a branching tree that splits over and over, but moves inexorably forward. This represents simply another branch of humanity's embrace of XM and the capabilities it affords.

    There is no "New Wave" on the path of the Enlightened. Simply a new branch and a new leaf.

  9. Brent Hollett​​. Let's call the "New Wave" XMPunks and call it a day since the "NWR" definitely are trying to be cyberpunk and the "NWE" are a strange mix of biopunks, neopagans, neohippies and whatever the acoylte's guards are (corpo-shamans?)

  10. I am not seeing signs amongst my Enlightened contacts of any sort of "New Wave" activity.

  11. B-dub 7ER4IAY8 i'm a big fan of devo and the talking heads

  12. We need to look for the ripples on the portal network emanating "a little bit different than everyone" from agents who tap into it. I don't think NWE would advertise themselves aggressively, the influence would be delicate, emerging here and there and vanishing before perceived.

  13. I agree with Karma Henna . Tatoos, Hennah and other body "paintings" could help to synchronize the body and the mind with the XM.

  14. Martin Zehetmayer Karma Henna What 'bout if it was possible to mix pigments of these tattoos with xm to make them responsive?

    After all, every object that is used through the scanners is nothing more than a product construct starting from xm / dxm crude, which is then machined and to which is given a form.

  15. Daeniem Loidlan Could be possible, yes.
    When you mentioned dark XM I just tried to imagine what happens when you use this instead of normal XM to enhance your body o_O

  16. Ieva Nazgulija​ Henna f. Ex. is a natural plant dye which is known for more than 2500 years. The hennaplant grows by nature in all desert areas around the world and is by theory native in the Euphrat / Tigris area.
    Not only is the the colour potential known by men but also the fragrance of its blossoms, which is used in perfume and incense since pre-Christian, pre-Islamic and pre-judaic times. In my opinion it's not the pigment that resonates or not only but also the signs used. See below f. ex.

  17. Karma Henna where did I oppose to henna usage? My comment was more on a peoples nature :) (symbols repeat themselves trough the ages - it's nothing new)

  18. Ieva Nazgulija​ I am sorry, I did not get that. I was intrigued by the pigment mixing part. Maybe I should read more concentrated, I guess the problem was that due to the general belief that henna is a chemical black dye it must be something new, which I have to fight with on a daily basis my professional Henna artist self came through.

    Please excuse this Fauxpas.


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