The answers to the questions sent to the NIA have started to come in -- I'll be looking forward to reading more of...

The answers to the questions sent to the NIA have started to come in -- I'll be looking forward to reading more of these...


  1. That's Roland Jarvis​ for you. Just doing whatever the aliens tell him to do, and making everyone else deal with the consequences.

  2. Yik Sheng Lee If those are the biggest questions, you should try to answer them, instead of working in the narrow intellectual parameters the NIA force-feeds you.

    Repeating the lecturers questions doesn't make you an intellectual. It's makes you the teacher's pet.

    Now stand back, and watch how this is really done.

  3. The NIA claims they don't have an answer about the overlap between XM portals and cultural memorials, but Kureze's theory is the only one they're wiling to talk about. That's a cheap intelligence agency trick for manipulating policy-makers: Tell the politicians the choice is theirs, but don't give them a second option to choose from.

    Since the NIA won't do its job, it's up to us to discuss the counter-narrative. The NIA (and Hank Johnson​​) keep telling us that portals exist at historical locations because humans are attracted to Shaper activity (XM), but does is that really the most logical explanation? Do we really think the portals on Civil War battlefields are there because our ancestors liked to fight near "ordered data?" Do we really believe Old Faithful is a portal because humans only notice natural wonders if aliens tell them to?

    It's time to seriously discuss the opposite, but more plausible explanation: Portals and XM messages exist at points of human interests because the Shapers are attracted to us. We're the ones who create the XM with our minds, and they're just her to take what we make. Like every any colonial conqueror offering enlightenment to the natives, they're just here to take our natural resources for themselves.

    It's time to face the darker possibility that the NIA and the "neutral investigators" are ignoring. Shapers are not the guides of humanity, they're parasites, running a long con on human collaborators who can be bought with shiney XM baubles and promises of power (Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​​). This is a story that had repeated itself through human history, the only difference now is we're facing extraterrestrials who want to do it on a global scale. The NIA isn't worried about that, but at least The Resistance is.

  4. Dear H. Richard Loeb​ could you please tell us who was in charge to answered these government questions? Calvin, Ni, Leslie or someone completely different?

  5. As more infos coming in, as more clear it is: We have to resist the lure of the shapers! We have to get the portals under control to stop this secret influence, to determine our own destiny!

  6. Nabuna OS​​​ Sparks Moran​​​ also forgetting about AI which ADA claims were at war with the Shapers and working with N'Zeer since the dawn of creation and how according to ADA the Shapers were not a threat to humanity. Seriously think that last statement over: The Shapers are not a threat. So why #resist?

    If you wanted to to rid the earth of extra terrestrial influences, you should have left the Obsidian Shield, which the Enlightened erected, by the way, in place rather then help tear it down. For all of two weeks before we were cut off from both the N'Zeer and the Shapers until OLW started poking wholes in reality with ADAs help.

  7. Mario Valenzuela II​ There's something about that last statement of yours that I didn't sit well with so I did some digging.

    In this link here: - PAC’s Weekly Wrap-up: March 20, 2016/, we clearly see the goals of Jahan and the Acolyte in their mission to find the Shield.

    The Acolyte is hoping to capitalize on the Enlightened lead following the February 27 Anomalies, her goal remains to use the Obsidian Shield in order to block the N’zeer.

    Jahan has her own plans in motion… an attempt to sabotage the Acolyte and Enlightened. She has uncovered an ancient codex and is working with Glyph expert Stein Lightman to try and find another way to activate the Obsidian Shield. If she succeeds, she’ll wield its power against the Shapers.

    What we don't see is whether or not the Shield would block both entities. Only one of them would be affected by the Shield. So the influence of the winning faction would remain while the losing faction's influence would be suppressed.

    Also, we never did see the supposed benefits of this Shield since everyone was focused on the aftermath of its activation-the XM Drought. So how do we know the N'zeer and Shaper reaction to what happened?

  8. Mustafa Said​​​​​ Hank's word's about the XM drought. Remember the Obsidian Shield was built to keep out both the N'Zeer and the Shapers. Acolyte thought it could only be used to keep out the N'Zeer while keeping the Shapers on earth, but as proven by the XM drought, it cut the earth from all XM substrates including the Shaper substrate..

    Remember the slogan for the anomaly was "Break the Shield.". So why did we have to break a shield if it was beneficial to the enlightened? Well, because kept out the Shapers, which is the only thing the Acolyte cared about. Unfortunately the Aegis shield anomaly put that on the back burner and instead focus on using the aegis shield (which the obsidian shield was turned into?) as a weapon against ADA /Jarvis which ultimately caused the Obsidian Shield to be destroyed upon its being usage. /Facepalm. - Hank Johnson: What caused the XM Drought?

  9. Mario Valenzuela II Thanks for reminding me on that. I actually forgot about that one.

  10. QuantumIngress EffectIngress​​ what happened during aegis nova was essentially a cyber attack. Klue S.​​ was the exploit used to gain access into A Detection Algorithm​​ and the aegis was the medium used to deliver the "malware" payload to cause ADA to overwrite her stack with 0s. The Acolyte essentially overloaded the shield (corrupted its data) causing it to be destroyed because she got gung-ho.

    As for Hank Johnson​​ continuing to help out the Shapers and N'Zeer it's because he believe that if we close the world's XM pipes it would end civilization. I think he may have came to the conclusion that the Shapers are a necessary evil. I'm not too sure on his thoughts on the N'Zeer since it might be clouded by his occasional flings with Jahan and the fact that he must oppose Anti-Magnus since they want him dead. I don't envy him.

  11. Mario Valenzuela II​

    I'm glad someone else remembers what taking the Obsidian Shield down really meant. I was enjoying us (collectively) not having to answer to anyone and had hoped humanity would take the time to get its act together. That two weeks feels like a dream.

    It was nice while it lasted. Too bad our species is bent on serving somebody.

  12. Kobalt Blues​ when OLW was making artificial XM I was all on board with the new Post Obsidian shield order... But then he wanted to work with ADA.

  13. QuantumIngress EffectIngress​​ Klue was not tortured and abused. If Klue did not have whatever procedure they preformed on her she would have fell victim to the attack since ADA still had a back door into her mind. I'm pretty sure they qouted some low failure percentage which Klue thought was acceptable only to nail that number on the dot causing her to become brain dead anyways. Or at least that's what likely happened.

    I'm assuming that it maybe possible that Klue was never "fixed" from when ADA melted her mind using the kill switch glyph sequence and she may have essentially been an offline KluADA fork all this time. Whatever happened in 2015 to "cut" ADA out of Klue's mind may have just severed her connection to ADA and caused Klue to run as a emulated environment while making Klue think she was the core OS. If anything I'm sure that H. Richard Loeb​​ knows if that's what really happened and isn't saying a thing. So when they preformed the procedure to remove that ADA back door, they unknowingly removed her OS kernel without realizing Klue was an emulation running on an offline version of ADA and not an offline ADA running on Klue.

    ADA and OLW did not control the shield nor did the Acolyte. Remember even Jahan was launching her own attacks using it because apparently if you walk into an anomalous zone you could see and manipulate it if you could access the substrate. The Acolyte was doing it via her sumercamp compound, Jahan via her palace, OLW through his secret lab where he fed Susana and Klue to tecthulhu, and ADA from where-ever she finds internet access near anomalous zone.

  14. QuantumIngress EffectIngress​​ that's where it gets tricky. The aegis shield was initially mention as being able to pierce the obsidian shield, however, the ability to use it as a weapon came from Nigel which is why we were fighting over his corpse. It's mentioned in the Aegis Nova anomaly intel dispatch PDFs in the background section. It doesn't say it could be used from anywhere, however I assume it could be because I don't think Jahan, Acotlye, Jarvis, ADA, and OLW were all standing in the same location with Klue's body and Susana moyer during the June and July anomaly.

  15. Sounds like someone is interested in a Niantic Project 2...


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