Surprised I caught this before The Society for the Ethical Treatment of AIs.

Surprised I caught this before The Society for the Ethical Treatment of AIs... I figured they would be all over this -- fears of mind-hacking and such.


  1. Or may be not.
    Seemed to me from the start more interested in protecting the freedom of AI in spite of every precaution. If there was a way to manage the artificial intelligences directly by thought, it would certainly be a horrible invasion of privacy of those poor unfortunate synthetic consciences.

  2. The temptation to use a direct link to the data out there with a direct interface to the brain is huge.
    At what price?
    Even before this direct interface how can you know what are your thought, your ideas and what thoughts and ideas were implanted in your mind from the outside through some manipulation.
    Now think that you are giving someone from the outside a direct link into your mind. Priceless.
    Imagine thinking about what book you want to read and you will have access to your favorite todo list software but in it, there will be an ad from Amazon.
    Now take it a step further. What will ADA or a Techthulu do with this kind of direct link to a human brain? What ideas will be implanted? What use can it have of the human brain?


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