I've been thinking about the Nine Faction chart that I shared a few days ago -- particularly because many asked me...

I've been thinking about the Nine Faction chart that I shared a few days ago -- particularly because many asked me where I stand on the ideas expressed there. It's something I'm still -- years after I first began to learn about XM and sentient AIs --…


  1. The article you link to in that Investigate blog post, reminds me of the things that happened with the Tay chatbot...


  2. So H. Richard Loeb​​​​​ if we were to coexist with AI until they decide to use the Wyatt storyline on humanity or go skynet on us, why can't we coexist with the Shapers but only with the N'Zeer? ADA herself said that the Shapers are no threat to humanity, so why continue to #resist? Is it because your N'Zeer overseers say coexistence is not an option, when it is obvious that they might have been the aggressor in their conflict with the Shapers all this time (aggressors don't wall themselves off from the people they attack and then go into hiding; that sounds like something the oppressed might do)?

    Matt Stevenson​​​ these violent delights have violent ends.

  3. so you didn't show your stance clearly after all.┐(´д`)┌ヤレヤレダゼ

  4. Any kind of influence on the human race will lead to an alteration sooner or later, no matter if caused by an artificial intelligence, or an extraterrestrial deity. The question is rather, how far are we willing to go for an improved and presumably faster/stronger evolution? How much influence is bearable at last, to avoid loosing humanity?

    On the other hand evolution is a constant stream of never-ending change and we don't know where the paths will carry us in the next centuries.
    Possibly body mods, 'life hacks' and genetic modifications straight out of the supermarket will be normal in the near future.

    But anyways, will these changes make us really better human beings? Shouldn't we are the ones, who choose our fate and our paths, no matter which forces might try to effect us?
    Shouldn't every individual on earth have the choice which path to follow?

  5. So I actually been posting my opinion on this for quite some time, specially on the AI topic, yes AI in general (and A Detection Algorithm​ on particular) are powerful and most possibly dangerous, but at the end they are a mirror of ourselves, if we keep being afraid and keeping it at a arm length at best and doing which hunting at worst (both has happened) we should not be surprised of the result. The techtulu will be another example when we have started to display exactly the same behaviour (and expecting different consequences, which apparently define madness)

    Then we have the conflict between shaper and n'zeer, also similar, if we keep fueling it, none shaper, none n'zeer will be able to help us. How could they help if they can't help themselves?

    But I think we still have time to fix those mistakes, if we find a way to break the chain of hate for the betterment of all of us.

  6. I agree with Yik Sheng Lee 'n Ana Prados

    We got through this useful tool is the "card" that simplifies our attitudes with respect to AI and External Influences, to find OUR position relative to the reality that surrounds us.
    Yet it is not easy for us, at this time, handle the little information we have regarding all other involved parties.

    we can do is be vigilant, and wait for the next moves of fate.

  7. I feel that our civilization will always find a way to improve ourselves. To become better than our enemies and to advance our own growth or capabilities. I do not believe we can help but try to understand and experiment with things that are beyond our knowledge. We are always looking for answers to questions we may not even need to know the answers to but want the answers because we know they are there. I think we need to question what the consequences are to our actions towards AI and XM. I feel they have great potential in the right hands but in the wrong they will become weapons that can easily be turned on the people who have researched them.


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