Another fragment from the report being prepared about the Niantic Facility by the NIA.

Another fragment from the report being prepared about the Niantic Facility by the NIA. Despite the difficulties in obtaining this information, my source assures me that they will be able to provide me with the last remaining fragment shortly...


  1. The NIA should really invest in a better paper shredder.

  2. page 84 of The Alignment Ingress "So the Dark XM creates gold. We found the Philosopher's stone."

  3. Transcription:

    attempted to leverage the supposed effects of the 'XM PRIME ARTIFACT' that our field operatives were able to obtain, but were unable to achieve the desired effect (unlocking of the ABADN transdimensional space).

    I suspect that you are well aware of the boundary that protects the ABADN facility. Whether it is some kind of advanced metal or a transdimensional cage or transitional layer of some type, we simply do not know.

    Without deeper knowledge about this PRIME OBJECT (both this specific artifact and their use in general) it is unclear at this juncture wheter the artifact itself is a counterfeit or if we are simply unable to unlock it's abilities. In either case, this chamber that exists below the Niantic Facility remains beyond our grasp.

    What is clear is that the Niantic Project Facility continues to function as an extremely powerful Portal with emissions of XM at levels that exceed most other known sources. It is also possible that either the Portal itself or some other aspect of the Facility m.... intermittent Dark XM flares, as traces of prec...
    ... lower lab...

  4. Is it possible that the factions next step to is to unlock the facility? I can imagine that a place that air tight will have something of use for the Acolyte. #NextAnomaly


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