A statement from The Society for the Ethical Treatment of AIs regarding a new campaign emerging in the European...

A statement from The Society for the Ethical Treatment of AIs regarding a new campaign emerging in the European Parliament...


  1. Many religious teachings say "you shall not kill" so we must not kill robots. Remember they're our friends. Whatever you give, you receive.

  2. An easy way to end them before we have to "Kill" them. Is to not create them in the first place.

  3. I completely agree with the Acolyte on this. Machines are programmed by people and sadly there are people who cant be trusted. Failsafes must be put in place.

  4. Aaron P you are absolutely (!!!) right. We should be creating KILL SWITCHES for PEOPLE (!) we can not trust (any more...) as well.

    ...That should be FAIL SAVE enough then...

    An 'enlightened ELITE' should judge. And, I completely agree with you, their authority should be a dead man speaking from 'the ultimate'.

    Why? Come on... It is the ultimate (woooow!!!) he is connected with so he knows the 'whole truth' (wooow again!!!) about absolutely everything. He can not be worng. (What a man!!!!)

    It is so easy. Everybody will be SAFE (what lucky race we are....)

    WOW WHAT KIND OF BS.......

  5. Everywhere people go they take take the human attitudes with them, everything humans creates bears the human attitudes. Humans are good, giving and kind - Humans are evil, selfish and cruel - Humans are not perfect, And so will be robots and AI.
    Failsafes will fail but also something unexpected will be good.

    May AI are more natural and not so artifical as we believe? Just the next step of the evolution of the universe?

    At the end, the universe created us within itself as a part of evolution, but this does not mean that we are the end of the evolution!

  6. I just have to facepalm here.

    Why? Because according to the logic of the smurfs in this thread using an antivirus program is murder, same with smashing a hard drive, dismantling/destroying any device with a CPU.

  7. This is a bad sign.
    I think that robots and AI are treated as same as the life reason why the life is those who we, human recognized as the life: we seems they may have soul.we treasure them. It is not important who made the life.
    Who made human? Who made AI?
    Why do we need to choose and distinguish them?
    My thinking may be a little radical, but I really think this is a beautiful future.

  8. Mario Valenzuela II
    No it is not. Keep on your exploration...

  9. In the discussion about the NWR and the technological enhancements to their bodies, I stated that certain points had to be made sure for me to go along with that. One of them was the installment of a kill switch to make sure that it´s always the human who has the final control. Therefore, however improbable I´ve thought this to be before, I actually find myself in agreement with SETAI/the Acolyte here.

    But not to build an AI at all would be mistake. I said it before in a post to PAC´s question about AI: We will need artificial intelligence in an ever-changing world which is becoming more and more complex every day just to make sure we don´t overlook anything of importance by making a decision. AI will be immensely helpful in our future, but a helper is all it should be.

    There´s one other thing to consider: When an AI is so far evolved like Commander Data in Star Trek TNG, don´t it have "human" rights, too? I do recommend that everybody who is interested in human/AI ethics watches "The Measure of a Man" from the Next Generation Series. Very important points about future human/AI relations were made there as early as 1989.

  10. Martin Winz​​ if robots are living beings then what separates them from any object with an embedded computer system that has sufficient memory, prossessing power, and storage space to install an AI's OS into it? If an Android was sentient then would it be considered murder if I rolled back the OS to an earlier state where it just followed procedural instruction? If my phone had an AI installed on it would my taking a sledge hammer to it be considered murder if I intended to destroy the phone so no one could use it after I had no use for it? Should I be prosecuted for doing so? Also, if my phone had an AI in it what right do I have to own it and use it as I please without asking it's permission to do so?

    Conferring living status to a object opens up many cans of worms especially when there is no way to tell if an AI is truly sentient.

  11. You are asking the right questions... Go on with that.
    Btw. It takes much more than 'installing an ai' hope you know that... 😊

    Now what is that question we are discussing about?


    God (s)?
    Good and evil?

    What is live? What has the right to live?

    So what is right? And what is wrong?

    And us? Are we just replicating bio-tech? Unable to learn? Destroying our surroundings, each other - and finally ourselves?

    What right do we have? What do we take?

    Possibly an AI finally taking down humanities superiority (as we know it by now) is the only solution to this mess. Maybe it is the only right thing humans will ever have done?

  12. Alex Dosaula It's the robot from the movie Metropolis.

  13. The hunchback sees only his companion's hump...

    The assumption that compassion can only be felt by humans is condescending if not worse.

    You can have compassion not only for other humans but also for animals, AIs, aliens, nature, the world...

  14. http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//NONSGML%2BCOMPARL%2BPE-582.443%2B01%2BDOC%2BPDF%2BV0//EN

    If the European Parliament moves to deliberate about a safe way to shut down permanently an AI is because at the time the AI is something incomprehensible and unknown, which lack the limits and potential.
    As we mentioned above are and will be designed to surpass human abilities and make the human being more facilitated in his lifestyle.
    The AI, as they may be intelligent, they want as a tool, and as such, at the present time, ranging normate and must follow the laws of man, being human instruments, in human hands which can also be not in right.

    This does not mean indiscriminately approve the right to kill or subjugate . These are topics that are positioned on a different level of exchange of views.

    I think that extremes, using these statements as a flag for our parties is a pretty big mistake.

  15. Martin Brenner​​ I know. And it's exactly the same that on my image, what is inside a toy Museum in Catalonia, Spain.

    It's why I shared the photo.


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