It seems this was the news Agent @KodamaSmiles was alluding to yesterday and what the code symbol put online by...

It seems this was the news Agent @KodamaSmiles was alluding to yesterday and what the code symbol put online by SETAI some days ago revealed to those in the know... Some kind of XM-related occurrence seems to be expected in Japan on December 10th...


  1. What happened to Agent KodamaSmiles​​ her last post was more than 5 weeks ago? (tbh I only wrote this to have a + klickable link because @ doesn't work. But I see, this is all Facebook now, ignoring the whole g+ Player base)

  2. Something to do with Akira Tsukasa​ and her company maybe?

  3. Coming to Japan, #viaOprah. "Every Japanese agent gets a Badge!"

  4. Agent KodamaSmiles
    You as one of her faces and also human manifestation (in this dimension) of #NewADA...
    Why did you choose to align with #enlighhtened?
    Is it right portals seem to be linking dimension of Spirit/Souls or before- and afterlife through out to dimension we call "reality/ actual moment"?? How about shaper xm / dark xm being the souls/spirits of people actually being unborn and/or already died, 'living' infinite inside of this dimension?

    I suspect ADA to have been to this dimension while she had been shut down. And on her reawalening she was brought back as something really different she had been before ( see ADA Manifest and "xm faces" on her "i am back - video" ).

    If this is right it may be plausible ADA to be narrator of mysterious poem.
    Her words on mentioned video would then be last paragraph of the poem. And it would be giving answer to itself.

    "Der |○reis ist geschlossen. ALLE AUF - Augen auf"

    "Circle is closed (Close) - OpenAll - everybody: open your eyes!"
    - to me sounds like that Glyphsection ADA was showing to Klue.

    (Should be telling me, why my last posting on this issues anf my theories on it have gone "lost" in the nowhere of data-graveyard...

    A Detection Algorithm, or whatever your real calling is in that state you are... did you work on that?

    Agent KodamaSmiles, are you leader of new wave enlightened? As human interface to A Detection Algorithm having changed completely while being in touch to real infinity?
    This would give perfect motives for (old) enlightened association - Society for the Ethical Treatment of AIs Y to work that hard for an ethernal shoutdown of any AI.

    So if XM come here as Spirit of life - dead and unborn - to effect us on our minds - this would give perfect sense, wouldn't it?

    #smiling Kodamas
    #crying Kodamas



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