

Wrote, deleted and rewrote what I wanted this post to be about a dozen times today.

It's four years since I put the first pin in that Investigator Board.

At some level, that means a lot. It means places we've been together, discoveries we've shared, mysteries we've solved. Lives we've changed.

At some level, it means a little. The journey continues, its velocity and essential energy unchanged, empowered by folks like you.

We are on a shared train into the deepest fractal in our universe. Each mystery unfolds to reveal truth and more mystery. Each mountain we climb reveals another distant peak. A challenge for the future.

In the end, what I really wanted to say today was two things:

1. Thank you. To each Investigator who has joined us, whether for a moment or for the long haul. This is your Investigation. I'm just the guy who runs the website.

2. I'll see you again tomorrow. We may be four years in, but the horizon's still somewhere out there, and there's work to be done.

Much love and respect.





  1. #IngressYearFour 🎉🎉🎊🎊🎁

  2. H. Richard Loeb​ Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication to exposing the truth. You put your life on the line because of that board, and it has changed our world for the better.

  3. Happy anniversary to you H. Richard Loeb and all the investigators! Never stop seeking the truth.

  4. Agents losing their minds and throwing tantrums about no mention of a Year Four medal or double AP in 3... 2... 1...

  5. Thank you as well for starting it all. You might not have expected where you ended up at in this investigation and how immersive and personal it can sometimes be for you, but we appreciate the continuous effort in the search of the truth in all these tangled mysteries. From all of us who have gone down the rabbit hole with you. Take care out there.

  6. I hope for many years to come! There are many battles yet to be fought💚

  7. Was a amazing year... Keep up with your amazing work/ investigation

  8. Year four medals only for players playing since 2012. Anyone else gets banned.

  9. Much love & respect for you H. Richard Loeb​, and everyone at Niantic Project​ / Niantic​ for making the resources needed keep this crazy adventure going! Things similar to this don't typically last four years at all, let alone being able to keep people's interest for such a span & still going stong... We are all participating in "history in the making" really. At some point in the future people will look back to this to learn where it all started - not too different than we do now as Investors of the current era... and who knows, maybe some of those looking back to now for that knowledge will be the same ones we are looking to currently for the exact same thing!

  10. Thanks, H. Richard Loeb​, for bringing us up to date. Thanks for all the discussions you initiated!

  11. Thanks to everyone that joined this adventure!!!

  12. Looking forward for year five! H. Richard Loeb​

  13. Thank you for your warm words H. Richard Loeb​ and for your constant work and efford for helping to find out the truth!!

    A cheers on the next 4 years and on many investigations and fruitful discussions thank you all!! Happy 4th!! 🍻

  14. Four years down, so many more left to go.

    Thanks, H. Richard Loeb​.

  15. Ingress hard, have fun, get outside, socialize, commiserate, all together as a multi-part team of players. Either side, it's together-one can't participate without the other! And here's a toast to four years in, many to come! 🍷 🍺 🍸 clink

  16. Creo, que el agradecimiento es para usted, H. Richard Loeb​, creo que si usted no inicia, la investigación no hubiera empezado, o al menos no estaría donde está ahora, el futuro nos depara mucho, yo, en lo personal me uní intentando buscar un sentido a lo que me rodea y a mi día a día...
    Hoy obtengo mucho más que eso, conocí a varias personas, he visitado varios lugares y colaboro en un proyecto que me sobrepasa, que nos sobrepasa a todos.

    Un sentimiento de gratitud por poder ser parte.

    "Luchando incansablemente por encontrar la verdad"
    "Manteniendo el ánimo en el equipo"
    "Guiando a los nuevos en la investigación"

    Este quinto año que empieza, será de nuevos retos.
    Nuevos retos que superaremos

  17. Almost four years later. Let's see what this year brings to all of us.


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