I was listening in on a conversation Dr.

I was listening in on a conversation Dr. Wright was having with some members of Operation Essex. It ultimately led to one simple question and it's one I don't have the answer for: What were Bogdanovich's motives in the recent events of #ViaNoir?


  1. ┻━┻ ︵ ¯\(ツ)/¯ ︵ ┻━┻

  2. To give an answer to your question H. Richard Loeb​​ it might be helpful to recover Devra's quote during Via Noir: "This conflict isn't about green vs. blue. It is about light vs. darkness."


  3. People seem to forget that Devra and OLW never saw eye to eye. She always seemed to go against every scheme he ever set into motion since their time at Niantic. Maybe, her reason for opposing his attempt to build a tecthulhu was as simple as" Oliver is trying to do what?!?! Oh, hell no! I don't care if he is hand delivering 20 tecthulhus to ADA, I gotta shut that mf'er down ASAP!"

  4. Mario Valenzuela II I agree - if you look at the first communications - Devra always took a line to study and not jump in - she wanted to try saying hello (conversation with Calvin) and she wanted to shut down OLW when she found out what he was doing (The greeen ones conversation). She tried to employ the concept of the scientific method when others were rushing to skip steps.

  5. In an open letter from july 12th, 2013 Devra Bogdanovich​​ accused the NIA and Niantic Project​​ being a tool of the US industrial military complex which only wants to weaponize XM for a geopolitical war and political control.


    Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​​ as a quantum objects engineer created the power cube, xmp and helped to weaponize exotic matter.

    Devra Bogdanovich​​ clearly stated that she opposes those practices.

  6. During her videos you could see remorse for past actions. It may be that she wants to make amends for things.

  7. I also wonder if she now knows more about the physics/science of the portal network and how it ties into larger systems.

  8. JoJo Stratton​​​ you know, that opens up an interesting question:. When someone has sharded do they return from the xm substrate with more (innate) knowledge of It's workings? If so, maybe that's why OLW seems to upped his power games since he recursed, and Devra has become overly cautious in her dealings with xm, more so than she was when she almost nuked the entire network.


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