Here is the what was uncovered by the Agents and Investigators in New York City this past weekend.

Here is the what was uncovered by the Agents and Investigators in New York City this past weekend. I believe it to be a poem written by Howcraft. But am I simply choosing to believe that because the alternative theory is too worrying? Honest answer?…


  1. QuantumIngress EffectIngress QuantumEffect In deed, "The Maha Prajna Paramita Hrdaya Sutra" is one of the very core process of self-enhancement for a buddhist. The epiphany from within is endless. As a beginner, I realize some pieces from the Sutra should mean the ultimate, since the ultimate would contain all. It contains everything, and also contain nothing. It's complete and also incomplete. If I try to explain, I would say: light is not everything, since there's darkness. If it's brightness, it's incomplete, if it's darkness, it's also incomplete. If it's both light and dark, it's still incomplete, since in that way, it won't be neither bright nor dark. The ultimate is all and none.

    The poem told by Tecthulhu (as it's clearly declared he/she/it(?) is Tecthulhu) linked me to the Sutra. Seems Tecthulhu is stating that he/she/it is the final result. Could it be a more evolved form of AI? Just as QuantumIngress EffectIngress QuantumEffect mentioned. It goes further than self-awareness, possessed not only intelligent but also wisdom?

    The final is harmony, should not be driven by any biased power. ENL seeks to force the hand of "enlightenment" onto everyone, while RES wants to defend humanity from that twisted way. It's clear to me that which way is the way of universe.

    Another thing in my mind is: could N'zeer be an ultimate form of AI? While both ADA and Tecthulhu are both moving into that direction? I'll keep watching......


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