Thanks to Agents around the world we have recovered this fascinating and incredible document (Felicia Hajra-Lee --...

Thanks to Agents around the world we have recovered this fascinating and incredible document (Felicia Hajra-Lee -- is this your work?). It's transcribed below... Let me know in the comments what you think this means...


  1. Nice find, Agents.

    Can the mentioned surf blues and Gaslamp Quarter be reference to San Diego's Gaslamp Quarter? It seems Susanna Moyer had an interesting interaction with a portal at the San Diego Anomaly during Aegis Nova. The vast amounts of concentrated XM there fueled her vision and is perhaps the origin of her current mission.

    What could the man in her vision be searching for in the library archives? There is said to be Paleolithic Cthulhu totems, occult books, and other rare interesting artifacts at the Orne Library Special Collections at Miskatonic University.

    Who could this man be? Surely he's after something significant and he knows he's been spotted.

    I believe the pope-like figure with the mitre that Susanna saw is perhaps a member or high priest of the Esoteric Order of Dagon; a cult who's members are known to wear such garb. The order worships The Deep Ones and claim descent from the traditions of the Sirius mystery cults of ancient Egypt and Sumeria.

    I sense a connection to the gods of the ancient world and Anomalies that have passed. It's all connected somehow. What is coming?

  2. It means we have a 3rd faction coming.

  3. I guess we are following Susanna Moyer​​ path she took after she learned of her father's death. The man she saw is Hank Johnson​​. He has already disclosed the information that they met when he researched connections between Lovecraft's and Howard's work and connected her to the Acolyte.

    "Miskatonic" is a reference to Lovecraft. There are a lot of fictious places with that name - a university, a river ... I started looking for a portal like Susanna described near the university of Providence yesterday, because that was the role model for the fictious Miskatonic university. Alas, I couldn't find one. Perhaps someone else is more successful?

  4. The California Western School of Law in San Diego, CA, is based very close to the Waterfront, the Gaslamp quarter and St. Joseph Cathedral.
    I would personally like to visit this area and look for the target portal.

  5. Was Carrie Campbell one of those mistaken sensitives who tried before to affect similar change in Chicago?

  6. google ... bike tour ... latern ... venlo maas ... woods ... stress ... animals ... insects // intersects ... to be continued


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