Received this via an anonymous mailbox. That's all I know right now... Help me figure this out?

Received this via an anonymous mailbox. That's all I know right now... Help me figure this out?


  1. Julia Vivienne Loverdose​ some like like dragons...

  2. Say your prayers, little one..Don't forget, my son.. to include everyone
    Tuck you in, warm within..Keep you free from sin..Till the Sandman, he comes
    Sleep with one eye open..Gripping your pillow tight
    Exit light..Enter night... \m/

  3. wother ronin​​ as a dragon expect I can say that some of them look like dragons, but they aren't. Those all are gargoyles. This mystery must be connected to the upcoming #ViaNoir because a gargoyle is a creature that comes to life during the night and turns to stone during the day. But even during the day, through their stone eyes they can observe us.

    They are usually depicted as human-like crestures with wings. Sometimes disgustingly ugly, sometimes adorably cute. Youll find all kind of variations around the world.

    Some say they are evil, some say they are guardians and protectors, some say they do nothing. One is known for sure - gargoyles can trust and bond with someone who truly beliefs they are good.

  4. The last pictuture... Escolares writen on the bus is spanish

  5. it seems that the issue revolves around the mythological creatures of the night or of darkness. Gargoyles, dragons, ... there is one that catches my attention, the human who is about to kill a creature. It is the only image in which a human appears. must have some relationship with #vianoir ... or preparations

  6. Think one of them might be in Basel.

  7. Backsteinkirchen. Easy f Northern Hurnspfaffen

  8. Re-opening of themed portal submissions

  9. The one down in the right corner is in an latin country, spanish or portuguese.

  10. They are all a form of guardian or seer ... !!!

  11. Gargoyles were put on buildings to protect from demons or evil spirits( what people believed) perhaps more along the vain of guardian and/or protector.

  12. The middle line, leftmost picture. Seems like a dvarapala to me , balinese guardian statue (though Im in no way knowledgable in these things)

  13. +Lisa Shaw
    Cool, not quite strictly balinese but definitely the right region then.

  14. Lisa Shaw Cool, not quite strictly balinese but definitely the correct region. Hope it helps.

  15. Are we finally gonna get the dragons we were promised?

  16. A moment of silence.

    Susanna stood before the Portal. She closed her eyes and focused inward. The sounds of traffic - - of surf blues from the Gaslamp Quarter - - the seagulls - - - they slowly faded away... She measured her breathing. Too rapid. Her heart was throbbing. The ocean breeze tickled her nose. She had to tune it all out. One sense after another - - extinguished. She became aware of the vast network of electrical exchanges and chemical interactions that defined her. She harmonized them and then commanded them into silence. She stood stone still, mostly invisible to those passing her by. But she could not suppress the XM haze that still hovered over the Anomaly Site.

    She was charged. That distinctive XM tingle. It lay deep but was powerful. Even though she did not believe she was a truly powerful sensitive, the amount of XM being generated and used in this area was affecting her. It was a natural consequence of abundance.

    She blotted out the past. She blotted out the present. Finally, there was only the future She had a mission. It wasn't about revenge, Revenge was going to be her cover. A very plausible cover. She'd learned that from Phillips at the NIA. Use what they want to believe against them, he had said. Jahan and Smith had murdered her father. The desire for revenge makes people rash. Impulsive. They would count on her to be stupid and attack Jahan. So let them.

    Jahan and Smith were but pieces in a much larger game. And Susanna was going to change that game. She alone, among all of the 7 billion people who occupied this place i time and space had that ability. It rested in the phrase whispered to her by her father in their final moments together.

    Nigel Moyer had stared deeper into the cosmic abyss than anybody, but his time was not right. It hadn't been right for Obsidius or the Vesuvian Magnus or in any of the other times when people had understood... this.

    The time was now. Or was she deluding herself? Didn't every generation think they were living in the end times? The thought that she was delusional washed across her mind. She dismissed it. It was not useful.

    Another one broke through instead. She saw a man peering through the archives of a university library. He looked up as if he knew he was being watched. Susanna knew in that moment that she had triggered something - - psychic staring effect - - scopaesthesia - - whatever its name was. The man met her gaze. He knew he was being watched, but by hom and from where? His movements became faster, more stealthy. More aware.

    Susanna knew she had to talk to him. She felt the Portal near him. It was marked by a man with twisted crook and meiter. A bishop or a pope or a saint. A word came to her. Miskatonic. She knew where to go.

  17. I never expected a portal clue to be so close to where I am.

  18. Because this post wasn't clear enough, you had to repeat it.


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