Investigators in Operation Essex and at the Niantic Project Wiki first uncovered this image.

Investigators in Operation Essex and at the Niantic Project Wiki first uncovered this image. I suspect I saw this without seeing it when I first watched the Via Noir video some days ago. I guess it had imprinted subconsciously. The question now is: What…


  1. Hmmmm Ingress has found a new sponsor😂

  2. Instantly thought of BDSM. Some sort of torture or leather dungeon? Looks wicked. whip crack

  3. Joe B corrupted mind because of XM?

  4. For me it looks obviously like a cave to imprison something or....someone?

  5. I believe we are looking at a chamber which can transform simulacra back into real-flesh people. The Acolyte hinted at Susanna that she had to complete the cycle. Could that mean Susanna was transformed into a simulacrum when she was exposed to XM by her father and by finding and using this Machine she can return to her normal state? That Susanna didn't endure a rebirth after 1331 days like Hank Johnson is explained by the fact that Hanks transformation was made by the help of an incomplete, on-the-spur ritual in Afghanistan. ADA will be needed to run this machine as controlling system. I'm still trying to incorporated Klue in this theory, though.

  6. Whatever it is I doubt it will pass the Turing test

  7. Looks complicated. All these what looks like dials. What skill would you need to operate this machine, which might be an early computer? -

  8. Assuming it could be the Tecthulu, the dark xm powered machine of pure evilness.


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