Dozens of Agents from around the world collaborated to help recover this document fragment.

Dozens of Agents from around the world collaborated to help recover this document fragment. This page reveals part of the journey that Susanna Moyer took after her conversations with Hank Johnson -- it's a fascinating read, but I have confirmed that…


  1. This is interesting to me. I have not this ability (among those i have now), nor have i seen it. The story takes a turn into my realm of things finally. I will keep close watch on the developments of this arc.

  2. Look at... Search... I... Thinking. My... Maybe... The fake. Here the... Good luck... Want to... Login. Chat. Technology

  3. I'm starting to get a different vibe from The Acolyte. My first reaction was one of serious doubt and conspiracy. But I'm starting to think that maybe she really is doing what she must, for the world's sake. Things that we don't yet understand. Even with this small glimpse into her life, if what she says is true, it seems she just might be on an entirely different level than most of us. I'm hope her intentions are really as good as she claims they are. Maybe Roland Jarvis really did choose her. Obviously he chose her family's compound as his base of operations because it is an anomalous zone, but her being the land's heiress does seem to make her fitting to be his successor. If indeed his "death" was natural... Well if you can really call it death.


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