Looks like I was able to regain access to this page just in time...There's a lot going on right now, Jahan, Hank and...

Looks like I was able to regain access to this page just in time...There's a lot going on right now, Jahan, Hank and ADA have all spoken to Agents earlier this evening, and while it will take me a couple of days to fix this site up again, I've been able…


  1. Future home of the investigation board: Find out on Facebook. :/

  2. Any thoughts on why The Acolyte hasn't spoken to her agents? Why the silence? It's very unlike her...

  3. What???? ADA have spoken???? ADA has been awakened???

  4. Hei, mitä nyt on aika paljon. .,mutta ei se ole niin väliä. .,

  5. LMAO - this is so sad - well done ingress in one day you alienated your fan base on G+ and announced that you believe we should ALL be on Facebook

    Guess what? I'm ignoring your advice. I'm staying where I like it and currently that's G+

    Yes I will miss out on Intel and back stories but hey ho you've screwed around with that backstory too much too.

    The game ? For now I'll stay playing but you know why I continue? Because the people I've played against and with are awesome.

    We've gone to the four corners weve painted our city with portals as seers we took up arms from our farms and built L8s and then we smashed and raged against each other in all weathers. Even as cold as -4 and looked out for each other when hurricane winds were bringing down huge trees

    We drew links and fields across each other even covering the country and completed one of the first cross faction images in field art.

    Ingress may be it is time to move but I decide my direction.

    See you round.

  6. First of all stop using Wordpress :-) Generate static pages and secure all access. I am sure this is a easy step for you.

    Regarding the story: With an AI you cannot secure any system (may I reference to the 'Lawnmover Man' and various Shadowrun sources) against an Alien AI consisting of so high evolved technology that it seems to be magic to us.
    So basically you lost. We all lost. Game over.

  7. Martin Zehetmayer what in the ENL philosophy makes you so against WordPress?!

  8. Vicki Ellen WP is not against Enl philosophy. But in terms of security it's hell - It is always a pain keeping everything up to date (wp + modules, secure everything additional with tools like snort and/or mod_security).
    It is easier and more secure to generate static pages and bring them live.


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