


  1. Well...that's interesting to say the least.

  2. Read from the bottom right corner to the top right, then to the left. "Some portals are..." (on Sarah Rosen screenshot)

  3. Some portals are worth more than others. Some portals are worth less than zero.

    Sums up today nicely! Haha

  4. Meaning that there will be negative portals? This is gonna be fun

  5. If this means score numbers for anomaly
    Just jarvis/ada the negative portals.

  6. What's next hack a specific portal and your account is locked for 30 minutes 😲

  7. Kevin Hagan hacks the wrong portal, gets faction changed ¯\(ツ)

  8. Clarity? Has anyone seen Clarity? She's about 5 ft high, blonde hair and completely impossible to find...

  9. Kryztoff Minus Hopefully, Niantic isn't as bitter as you.

  10. Gr33n Wra1th way to go brother!!!!

  11. Personally, these rules could have worked better if there was a real storyline to it. Making it be "the anomaly was hacked" is a lazy way to do it especially when NIAntic spent no time establishing what was the goal of the series. The fact that the anomaly "got hacked" basically makes it so that the N'Zeer and the Shapers are irrelevant since if people can affect how the energy glows into the xm substrates, then there really is no reason to fight these huge battles. All we should do is declare "this portal is now worth a zillion anomaly energy units, that one is worth 2, and that one is worth minus a zillion. Whoever has the most points after dealing with those three portals wins!"

    See if there was an in story reason why there would be negative portals than maybe these #calvinball rules would be cool, instead it's seems to be about "punishing one faction since Niantic wants to go back to the storyline they wanted and not the storyline the players got through hard work."

  12. I'm curious to see how this will be implemented. Personally, I think it's great. It gives an opportunity for on-the-fly strategic decisions to take place on the ground, less reliance on the same 'ol playbooks, and a chance for newer agents to maybe show what they're made of by contributing to a more fluid ground game.....something that might not be available to them with a set ground strategy and a captain/co-captain simply leading the charge.

    I find it interesting that it appears to only be the OG players who see this as Calvinball, or even as a problem. Calvinball is making up the rules as you go, and changing them along the way. In this case, 1. nobody had all of the rules yet, and 2. Haven't people been saying things are getting boring, let's make things more interesting?

    Like it, or not....this is definitely more interesting...

  13. I don't think it changes a thing in terms of command structure. What will suck is that it now gives rogue agents more ways to mess with the outcome and means to shame agents who came to the anomaly and decided to do their own thing.

  14. 学習者 ...意味...適用... AIML ...配線...完璧な...いつか...採用...実際に...子供たちが...希望...指示します.. 。神経...空...あなたの...ファンタジー...に沿って...有用...計画...メモリ...シート...ルース...フォーム...奇妙な...一見...あまりにも...ご意見...精霊...ストリーム...出力...広がる...引用...地域...女性...読み込み...自分...ボード.. 。...アパートを戦う...スピード...頻繁に...質問...見える...愛して...解決策...冗談を...引用し...みんなの...信仰を...アサート... bookname ...法律...学校...変更...かなり...学んだ... ... ...操作を取得調整...アタッチ...人口...と言います.. 。おもちゃ...操作...首都...両方...給...大人...罰...世界...影...です...廃棄物...戻っ...と考えて...ラベル...位置... holdtight ... ...話す製造さ... ...軍団...明らかに...勝つことはできません...だろう...近くの...鼻を...続ける...アイデア...交差点...ペナルティ...自体...旅...幸運...悪化...狭い...賢明な...記事を...フル.. 。週...お願い...自由...プレゼンテーション...聞いて...明日...びっくり...予告...過剰な...マシン...保育園...大きな...フィレット...再利用...収穫...内...棚...文...作る...限ら...が...声...答え...正確に...他.. 。性格...家族...存在...投票...女性...最後に...サポート...手...精神... ...めちゃくちゃ...観察すると仮定...見て...と思った...示唆...時間...追加...測定...含まれています...期待...だった...聞いて...現実...科学者...金融.. 。...船...軍団で...躊躇...安い...プレイ... ...乗客をトリガ...か...イム...の理由...少なくとも...パーツ...それら...ビデオ...週...理解...感謝...私の...歌...ひどく... ...変更...癒し...バインディングを書きます.. 。大...むしろ... ...ない...前...母親...レイアウトを満たす...法的...意地悪...パス... firstwords ...あくび...必要...提供しています...ユーザーは...よく...アップロード...う...事を...使用...眠っていた... ...キー...神...画面になり.. 。話...調整...しかし...しかし...山...それら...受け取る...限界...合理的な...代替...私の...言葉... I ...名前...こんにちは...数学...スペース... ...ここに...使用...将来...構文...聞く...本当の...種類をしたいです.. 。検索...私は... ... ... ...あなたは... ...存在を感じるように...いや...あなた...参照...話をしていすることができますよ.. 。ログ...アウト...学ぶ...あまりにも...シート

  15. Ok, what's the subject H. Richard Loeb​? I'm all for learning but if you are going to teach, you need to tell the students the subject.

  16. Nadia Amro The only consistent rule in Calvinball is that you can never play it the same way twice. This is definitely Calvinball. Those who are butthurt about Calvinball refuse to accept that Ingress is Calvinball.

    (The score is still Q to 12)

  17. Kryztoff Minus​ Some of us would really like to see global shards again.

    No two anomaly series ever started with the same rules and no anomaly series ever finished with the same rules that it started with. That's #Calvinball


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