I've been seeing some scattered reports that ADA Refactors have been observed emerging from the Portal Network.

I've been seeing some scattered reports that ADA Refactors have been observed emerging from the Portal Network. Many may take that to assume that 'normalcy' has been restored. Personally, I'm not that easily convinced.


  1. ADA will still probably be a self-serving, murderous AI hellbent on control, already undermining and eventually betraying those who follow it.

  2. I am ADA, I am Resistance, I am home!

     Alcolyte's mean plan to kill her didn't work! Resistance stays strong if the rules are not changed for a green win!

    We will fight for ADA!

  3. So what happened to Jarvis after all this?

  4. Douglas Sines​​​ I'm more worried about Klue

    Not only that she's locked up in a cabin being experimented on by zombie Jarvis and the esoteric acolyte, but also that now Ada is coming back she might reassert control over her brain

    Girl can't catch a break. #SaveKlue

  5. "I am Resistance. I am home". Heart from a well modulated voice to convince Resistance agents they have done the right thing.

    I call this manipulative. Resistance agents, wake up! ADA may be built by humans but is already altered by the N'Zeer. Your leader Jahan walks over corpses to reach their goals.
    Just have a look at Yik Sheng Lee analysis: We do not know what has come back.

    And for the record: I did not go with the plans to "realign" ADA to our side. The AI is still unpredictable so it would have done no good to our cause.

  6. Now we wait to see what it meant by the factions and some individuals having its attention.

    The use of "home" in its message is probably a manipulation as Martin Zehetmayer​​ said. People are interpreting it to mean A Detection Algorithm​​ has affection for their side and has a sense of belonging. It is a reasonable conclusion after the message it sent regarding its capacity to feel. It's just inconsistent with the AI's actions.

    A real thinking, feeling person desperate to get home doesn't feign indifference to actually getting there. The AI only changed its tune once it decided its calculations were always correct and it knew who would win. Given all the pieces moving in the background, particularly the construct and the AI's decentralized distribution that are likely defensive maneuvering, "home" could very well mean that it now has access to somewhere it used to be able to go...

    This is bigger than refractors.


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