Agents in Washington D.C were able to recover what hid behind the first clue left by the anonymous source.

Agents in Washington D.C were able to recover what hid behind the first clue left by the anonymous source. Like clockwork, another clue came my way. In the meantime, I've been looking through this source's first theory about the nature of Devra's Vault...


  1. I have similar concerns about the chronology of these events given the first clue's information H. Richard Loeb​​. Why is Devra's password and input required if Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​​ was able to deposit information into the Vault during Aegis Nova? It's possible that OLW can get information into the Vault but not get it out but I still have my doubts.

  2. Back to some things Yik Sheng Lee is suggesting regarding Susanna:

    I just don't see it. Susanna Moyer was exposed to megadoses of XM as a child, accounting for her superior mental and physical abilities (and why she was an ideal candidate for her career as an intelligence agent and then whistleblower), but there is no evidence she was the template for ADA, or in some way designed to be a receptacle for her.

    There is perhaps some evidence she is a simulacra, having survived the suicide of her mother and brother when younger -- so perhaps this is where Nigel developed the idea of an artifact to store the memories of a simulacra? But even then he needed someone with 'expertise with dark XM' -- OLW -- to help him build it.

  3. Hello richard how are you?
    I really love your post and I wouild love to know you
    What do you think?
    This is my mail hoping for a reply.take care

  4. Agents in Washington DC.
    able to recover what hid behind the first clue left by the anonymous source. Like clockwork, another cule came my way.
    In the meantime, I've been looking through this source's first theory about the nature of Devra's Vault...

  5. Hei, mitä nyt on aika paljon. .,mutta ei se ole niin väliä. .,


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