Yesterday, I asked the Investigate community to weigh in and help shed light on what this so called 'New Wave'...

Yesterday, I asked the Investigate community to weigh in and help shed light on what this so called 'New Wave' movement might be... Here are some of the most interesting pieces of information we gained from this exercise...


  1. The current intel on the matter is disturbingly poor. So far, we only have one eyewitness account on the co-called New Resistance and the third-party opinion on Susanna’s state just before the anomaly.
    What we currently actually need is at least one piece of data on the New Enlightened, since what we heard from the Acolyte is what she thinks they are not, if they exist, and considering the possibility that “The New Ones” are those who are not bounded by their leaders agendas, she could easily be wrong. I think what can help us is a data from Hank Johnson.
    That’s it on the thoughts, but we mustn’t rule out the feeling. Here are mine.
    The New Wave music historically is the basis of the whole 80s decade. The time of opening minds, changing world, free thinking and expression. I hope something alike is waiting for us.

  2. When ADA wanted to "expedite" humanity's evolution by integrating them with whatever technology during #Interitus, I fought to defend humanity against it. If these new wave resistance and enlightened agents want to modify themselves through tech and GMO, thats their own business, but you won't catch me taking part of it. Me and my house will evolve the natural way, the Shaper way, even if it does take us millions of years.

  3. Early adopters have a tipping point of about 13-18% they then become more widely accepted by the early majority who are followed by the late majority. There will always be those in denial or non adopters.

    I've always been an early adopter or early majority person. However augmenting oneself with tech or modified DNA makes me think my choice would be late majority or even denial.

    Much needs to be learned and considered about these NW agents before taking either path.

  4. Tecnología o ADN modificado... la "eterna juventud"... Tentador aún así prefiero la realidad, claro que si me ofrecen los poderes de Charles Xavier sería fabuloso...

  5. Maybe they are a false flag cover-up to distract us from Calvin's schemes.

  6. Yik Sheng Lee Is it darkness for us, or darkness for our supposed leaders, those who would attempt to use the Aegis Nova and Obsidian Shield in the first place, despite protest?
    It's hard to say exactly what they mean by this. I'd love to see more evidence of the New Wave's existence and intentions.
    I'm surprised. Given how some of them acted, I wonder if our loss during Aegis Nova was entirely based in numbers or Intel after all...


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