We're about a week out from the last Aegis Nova Anomaly, and the final pieces are falling into place -- focus...

We're about a week out from the last Aegis Nova Anomaly, and the final pieces are falling into place -- focus sharpening onto their edges. I feel powerless to prevent what lies ahead. But you aren't. If you're on the ground in Tokyo, fight for what's…


  1. You were powerful enough to create A Detection Algorithm​. Note you're powerless to act? You and Hank Johnson​ could do much. But will either of you?

  2. Yik Sheng Lee he's in a better position to comment than most given his personal experience of these individuals

  3. H. Richard Loeb may be paralyzed by his own guilt or indecisive; we are not.

    Now is the time for us to strike a blow for humanity: To destroy or weaken the artificial intelligence -- a tool created by the surveillance state to assassinate and murder its way into cover up the truth about XM -- and leave humanity free to take the first steps on the path to the Ultimate.

    I'd like everyone here to consider this exercise: Can you even name a thing ADA has done for humanity which is a positive?

    I have a list a mile long of the calamities that have resulted from ADA's actions. So if you can't even come up with a single, unqualified good one?

    ADA Delenda Est.

  4. Brandon Downey She ran the scanners so we can all play Ingress. And Ingress is fun! Who will tell us we have completed some "excellent work" without ADA? Will the scanners work at all? Or will xm manipulation be just something for the privileged few. And what about when you need to clear links for your gigas? Bad news there. You can decay the blocks I guess...

  5. Brandon Downey written by who? Acolyte doesn't look like she could code in BASIC.

  6. I'm sure that Ezekiel Calvin, Bowles, H. Richard Loeb​ or even A Detection Algorithm​ herself could tell us why she was built. It most likely was a very narrow purpose. What role did she have at Niantic Project​? Data recorder and analyst. Mission failsafe.

    She probably wasn't intended to "serve humanity" any more than your laptop, Brandon Downey​.

    But you would risk destroying Klue S.​and the rest of the researchers to satisfy your desire to destroy the AI? They're just "casualties of war." Acceptable losses. And you'd categorize Klue S.​'s demise as "friendly fire"?


  7. My laptop (or any piece of technology) does exist to serve and aid humanity. People use digital computers to write books, design new technology, communicate, create art, and a host of other things. ADA was created by a shadowy government agency to protect the secrets of the Niantic project; her actions to assassinate members of that project when they fled are proof enough of that.

    As for the rest, I believe you are indulging in your normal habit of arguing with a straw man.

    Nowhere did I say anything about the other Niantic reseachers, who have not been ingressed by ADA.

    Klue asked for help exorcizing ADA from her mind -- it now appears the only way to do this is to destroy the AI. The procedure might be a risky once, but I invite you to go re-read what she said when she went to the Acolyte for help.

    You may not like this, and may continue the campaign of personal attacks against the Acolyte, but this could be Klue's last, best chance to be free of the AI.

  8. Get your facts right, Brandon Downey The Acolyte invited Klue S.  over to the compound:

    "I don't know how the Acolyte found out about this. I haven't shared this with many people, but I guess she hears things. She sent me an invitation, offering to come to her compound and take part in 'Rites of transition and tranquility."

    She was surprised about it. She came for help and got this cruel treatment instead. "Rites of transition ..." You have to have a special mindset to call the stitching of a device on a head a "transition".

    And as the Acolyte stated herself before - ADA´s destruction shall help the Acolyte´s case of "healing mankind" - I shudder when I try to imagine what she means by that - and not help Klue to become free of her. One has nothing to do with the other.


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