This week, the Investigation has had two primary focal points: ADA and Susanna Moyer.

This week, the Investigation has had two primary focal points: ADA and Susanna Moyer. Read my Weekly Wrap-up to learn what we uncovered and how it all might fit together. #InvestigateIngress


  1. ADA Isn't Gone. Just hiding. And obviously doing a much better job at hiding this time.


  2. ADA planned her own death? Which means to say whatever the outcome of Aegis Nova ADA would have "died" anyway? A dead AI will simply cease to exist. The writing of null data suggests that there's still activity happening - ADA is still broadcasting signals to indicate existence.

  3. Derek Longbow​ as a database administrator I can assure you that "all zeroes" is not "null data". It isn't good for ADA, but it isn't "null".

    (Sorry for being pedantic)

  4. I'm thinking that the input of all zeros in the network was to prevent the tracing of her to agents that each carry a piece of her data. Her safety is in fact that each chip of storage is mobile and would each need to be obtained and hacked. I agree Klue S.​ and Susanna Moyer​ so far appear to be in the moat danger but with the lack of concrete evidence we can't send forth the pitch forked hordes.

  5. Sarah Rosen That’s precisely why I'm giving H. Richard Loeb​ the side-eye for even tossing that out there. What sys admin worth his salt would even fake that funk and expect to be taken seriously? I get he's jaundiced but thinking we're stupid will not fly.


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