This is a weird one.

This is a weird one. It's a message from someone inside the Enlightened camp. If it's real (and I've got to be honest, I'm kind of hoping it isn't) it spells bad news for Klue. #InvestigateIngress


  1. Klue is in trouble and needs saving? again? GET IT TOGETHER KLUE

  2. Someone needs to help Klue S.  This is the second account of that thing being stitched to her face. Anyone, anyone that is sensitive enough to be able to find that compound. Hank Johnson we can't let this torture continue. You're one of the few that can unlock the route to anomalous zones. Take me with you, and I'll help however I can.

  3. That's super disturbing. If we compare this to when Klue was exposed to the glyph sequence, I think it makes ADA look innocent by comparison. At least ADA warned Klue, and didn't actually invite her to the exposure.

  4. Out of curiosity, what is this person's agent name?

  5. José Fernández Perhaps Akira Tsukasa, the Japanese XM researcher who will appear in Tokyo.

  6. I wonder what someone from the Dark Ages, would think about someone in ICU. "OMG they're hurting her, look at all the bruises".

    Medical devices to save someone are not always evil...

  7. There are several things going on in this article (if even true, and not some sort of agitprop sponsored by the NIA owing to our early victory in Aegis Nova):

    1. The last time unvetted tech was used at the Acolyte's compound, it resulted in ADA sending multiple teams of armed special forces there to attack. A sensible IT security posture when faced with the sort of advanced, persistent threat posed by an AI (which apparently has the resources of a state level actor) isn't just "weird", it's actually the sanest thing the Acolyte can do.

    My only critique here is that while this woman may be a brilliant engineer, she is not a professional; I think the Acolyte should look into retaining paid help, and not just volunteers.

    She needs to scale her enterprise past the level of a startup.

    2. The personal attacks against the Acolyte seem uncalled for. That she had a troubled (and possibly abusive) background with respect to her family are not only her business, it's probably a wonderful example of how XM can help someone.

    3. Completely removing a hostile AI complete with malicious, multidimensional code from your neo-cortex... I can't imagine this is an easy procedure.

    As Brent said, if you walked into a hospital today, you would see people attached to machines -- some of them suffering and muttering as an unavoidable consequence of their treatment.

    My only concern here is that the use of a piece of high end hardware may result in ADA being able to launch some sort of attack against Klue.


    I call for everyone here to continue to remind the Acolyte to take security seriously in the face of existential threats, and hope that the XM energy gained in our victory over Aegis Nova will be enough to cure Klue comprehensively, rather than being on life support as she is now.

  8. Steven Callahan I ask of more information out of wonder of who we're hearing the story from. What I'm learning, thanks to conversation with others seems to be as follows:

    Marcie was working at the Compound prior to "Scott" and Klue's arrival. She's been there longer than Scott was. So she's probably got a better sense of the inner workings of the compound than a guy who was there for a couple of days.

    Regardless, she breaks some sort of protocol and sends out a message after witnessing Klue the same condition that Scott had seen her in the day before the May 28th Anomalies. That was 7 weeks ago. So Klue's been there for a month and 3 weeks, if my counting skills are sharp.

    That's kinda a long time for someone to be in the state she's in, assuming that she's in that state and isn't just jumping in and out of 'treatment' sessions, like getting constant checkups. Klue sounds more like she was hooked up and left under non-stop watch, tending to her needs while she continuously undergoes a purging process.

    Which makes me sadly question: Why didn't the Acolyte just be up-front and honest with Klue at the start? Why play cryptic with Hank Johnson when questioned about her health and status? Why the overall silence about what's going on?

    I also am theorizing this: The Acolyte and Roland Jarvis extracted the fragments of A Detection Algorithm from her. What would happen if, in the healing process, they implant something in her as well? Klue was Enlightened prior to the merge with ADA during Cassandra. I wonder if she'll re-emerge after this ENL again.

    Personally, I don't trust the Acolyte. I don't trust Jahan. I don't trust the Shapers and I don't trust the N'zeer.

  9. I doubt Klue S.​is in any real danger. She's been at that compound for around 7 weeks. Scott saw her show up at the cabin and 'stitched' to the same machine just before the start of this anomaly. Marcie claims to have seen Klue just after the San Diego anomaly. Which tells me Klue S.​ was out and about.
    Klue S.​ is going in and out of that cabin for treatments. She is not being 'held against her will' as Susanna Moyer​ would have us believe.
    This is nothing more than scare tactics

  10. Unless we get concrete verifiable proof, like photo evidence, tissue samples, a californian ID with a UM transcript, etc. I'm convinced it might be resistance propoganda. Why? Because it's anomaly week and the resistance is trying to do their damnest to destroy ENL moral and booster their own. As far as I know, Klue S. could have left the compound or could have given up the fight between the shapers and n'zeer for the life of a globe trotting Pokémon Go trainer.

  11. I'm curious to hear thoughts on this.

    We know at this point that the final Aegis Nova stakes surround ADA surviving an attack.
    What if whatever happens to ADA happens to Klue?

    If ADA survives, so does she in some way? And if ADA doesn't exactly come out intact...well, neither does she?

  12. I think Daniel Beaudoin​'s request for Hank Johnson​ to go in an check it out is quite reasonable. All of us are making guesses based on a couple of eyewitness accounts but we don't have the whole story. We've trusted Hank to give us solid information in many situations before and have no reason to doubt that he could help us figure out what is going on in the compound with Klue S.​

  13. David Timothy Considering the last time he tried to find out what happened to Klue, the acolyte wasn't so keen on sharing details.

    Either he's sneaking in the compound or he's got a way to get the Acolyte to talk. Not to mention, some people don't trust Hank and they may not take his story seriously.

  14. I think a LOT more people trust Hank than the acolyte. He has the skills to obtain information that is not easily obtained. He may already be working on it, or may have already tried. We'll see. Hopefully we'll hear from him soon.

  15. I think it's important to understand the Acolyte and her compound will lean heavily towards security but Klue S.​ welfare and safety should be a top priority. May be the acolyte will quickly release a statement of her own.

    Could this agents story be yet another propaganda stunt / story dreamt up by H. Richard Loeb​ to weaken ENL resolve at the forthcoming anomaly and bolster Resistance to help save his accidental creation A Detection Algorithm​

    One thing is sure there are no facts here, only someone trying to shape our actions.

    Carry on business as usual.

  16. Even if this is somehow propaganda, it's coming from someone who claims she's an agent, not H. Richard Loeb​.

    And even so, I can't imagine this'll slow down the ENL in Tokyo.

    But some corroboration of Marcie's story would go a seriously long way.

  17. Even if she changed her name, why would she give so many details about her own personal life if she really didn't want to be identified and tracked by the Acolyte?

  18. Mustafa Said then where is their g+ post? Why does H. Richard Loeb​ not include that? If this Enl agent is real and concerned then why approach him and not Hank Johnson​?

    If I had been in their position I'd have taken video or a photo of Klue S.​ state of health too.

    So why this skewed enlightened image?

  19. I don't get it.. if all the things that Marci G. claims about the Acolyte and the campound, and it's also true that she is still there like she claims, and that she is scared to be indentifed and tracked, WHY is she posting so many details about her personal live? I'm strongly suspecting that the person who wrote this isn't at the campound at all, and made the whole story up.

  20. I'm not sure of what i'm most scared off, the text that was leaked from Marcie or the justification from many of you on the comments.
    Specially, since at least some of those that justify, have said on the past that ADA did mind rape Klue because the sequence shown to her could have been a different one that the one she asked to see, but this is totally legit because Klue went there on her own free will...

    I'm enlightened and like Hank Johnson, I have no doubts on calling this that the Acolyte is doing a monstrosity like a call Susana's father murder a monstrosity.

    Radicals and zealots would not bring a better world, neither blue nor green, but fact count so little anymore, only feelings and expectations

    So i'm just going to say two things:
    - Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.
    - Witch hunts are never about witches, to have a scapegoat, that is the key.

  21. Ana Prados Very wise words. Very. I have been hunted. I have seen "good men look on", and I am ashamed to have called them my brethren and fellow man. It seems as if ignorance indifference and apathy rule our world now.

  22. Stay away from crazy faction leaders. It's time to ヒャッハーヽ(・∀・)ノ #KSL

  23. Klue S.​ is the weapon that will be used to attack A Detection Algorithm​. She's the VPN into ADA. There's no "opt-out" for her.

    Hank Johnson​ you must act. By saving Klue S.​ you save A Detection Algorithm​, and possibly the last chance for the Niantic Project​ researchers to regain their memories and restore them to human form.

  24. I share your concern that H. Richard Loeb refuses to take any responsibility here -- it's not pleasant for someone who is pretending to be unbiased.

    However, I must insist we get the actual facts first -- the most plausible story is that the Acolyte is acting to protect the people at the compound after the raid by ADA which killed innocents, and Klue is still in the process of a very difficult and potentially dangerous procedure.

    We wouldn't interrupt open heart surgery; we shouldn't interrupt surgery involving multi-dimensional matter.

    The best we can do is help the Acolyte acquire the anomalous energy she needs to cure Klue -- and this currently seems to involve attacking ADA to force her to loosen her hold on the poor girl.

  25. Didn't Verum Inveniri implement a similar protocol when under assault from forces possessing total control of the info sphere?

    Seems smart if you are at war with ADA and clearly under surveillance by PAC's friend Truthseeker, who likes to leak.

  26. Could someone explain to me exactly what on earth you guys are going on about?

    It's just a game

  27. Potato Overlord​ That is the cover. What is beneath is a deeper story yet. Start with the Ingress Year One and Two videos from the Ingress Report.

  28. How did you discover Ingress without knowing the story, friend? Go ahead and look into it! It's pretty good stuff. Potato Overlord

  29. The real reason he is leaving is to play #PokemonGO!

  30. I will not get into the discussion about the veracity of the story, as it can be true or an invention of the Resistance, but I think that in both sides have happened and will continue happening acts that we are not going to like.

  31. Steven Callahan RES here. As far as I'm concerned, they're both on the same level: crazy and need to go down.

  32. If this had come out any other time it probably wouldn't make me think that Res is behind it. However, with the Meganomaly coming up and the Resistance 10 points behind, to me this just seems like they want the Enlightened to throw Tokyo to the Resistance.


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