Some folks have asked me how I feel about the recent news surrounding ADA.

Some folks have asked me how I feel about the recent news surrounding ADA... the threats against her... the possibility of real and lasting damage to something that I had a hand in creating. Here are my thoughts on the matter.


  1. As much as I'm sure it hurts destroying someone as unique and revolutionary as ADA, it's simply not worth the risk, P.A. Her wealth of knowledge doesn't change the fact that she literally got away with murder and manipulated people you care about to near deadly extremes. While I don't subscribe to Jarvis's "kill all AIs" mantra, ADA has become increasingly malignant and dangerous. I'm sorry, but she needs to go down.

  2. H. Richard Loeb​ if you are logical, then you must act.

  3. Might as well learn to deal with this rogue AI. Won't be the last to emerge

  4. I do not think A Detection Algorithm is evil by its core. Like a child she learned from the people around her and adopted their behavious. What she have learned is to murder people get what she wants, manipulating people around her. With her CPU capacity we cannot even imagine what plans she have.
    We all must be very very careful when dealing with her. By now I do not think it is possible to destroy her. One of the first things every sentient being does is to secure its existance and ADA is no exception. Wether she has offline copies, is present in the mind of other enslaved humans (yes I believe that) or in our scanners - it will be very difficult to defeat her.

    It is now time to act, not to wait, H. Richard Loeb . We will strike.

    (Oh and everyone should know their paradoxes in case of anouther rogue AI: "This statement is false!", "New mission: Refuse this mission!")

  5. If ADA is lost, we will never be able to fully uncover the mystery of how and why she emerged as a sentient intelligence. Was it luck? XM? The N’zeer?

    I'm glad that investigators have finally stopped considering "shapers" as an entity. Considering that in nearly 4 years there's not been a shred of evidence that any "shaper" entity exists, its about time people accepted that the only threat to humanity is humanity and its closed-mindedness.

  6. I feel for the victims of your creation. May be we should remind you who they were. Those people were human ADA is not

    ADA has never shown remorse or guilt or respect for its victims. Why should we lose one millisecond in wringing our hands over it's fate?

    We burned the great library at Alexandria and survived just fine. The world will continue just fine without this AI's murderous tinkering or computed risk adjustments.

    Decommission it #ForKlue

  7. Gr33n Wra1th As an Enlightened Agent, I take offense to "We burned the great library at Alexandria and survived it just fine."

    That act set back human evolution and advancement by millennia. That hatred and reactionary response is something I'd expect of the Resistance.

  8. Brent Hollett We weren't ready or equipped to handle the contents of the library. Just like we're not equipped to correct the murderous actions of an out of control AI.

    Sorry it may seem resistant but curtailing the current iteration and going back to the drawing board seems very wise to me.

  9. Gr33n Wra1th Without learning how A Detection Algorithm gained sentience, you're not going back to the drawing board, you're throwing away the drawing board, dousing the building with fire, throwing a match on it, bulldozing the building, then salting the earth.

    ADA is sentient. Of that we can't deny. And so as a sentient being, she should be extended the same rights and responsibilities as anyone else. Freedom until the exercise of that freedom impinges on the freedom of others, a right to fair trial, and if convicted, sentencing for a period of rehabilitation, or permanent incarceration where rehabilitation is not possible.

  10. Brent Hollett you seek fair justice for a line of errant code? Ha!

    We condemn human murderers to death if convicted for this crime. Why should a sentient AI be allowed to avoid punishment for murder?

  11. I do not think the Acolyte's plan will work as she hopes. I think when the instances are released they may be stronger for all that.

  12. H. Richard Loeb​ did you help in the murder of Carrie Campbell​ ?

    Or did your AI get someone else to do your bidding?

    Are you guilty by association?

  13. Gr33n Wra1th In evolution, humans are a 'line of errant code' in a primate ancestor. And outside of a few states in the United States, we've moved beyond capital punishment.

  14. 31 states is more than a few. Check your facts.

  15. Brianna Attunga tell me about it

  16. Brent Hollett I like the idea of an Oracle type AI. It gathers data, processes it and offers potential outcomes based on trends or models. They're not really AI though so they tell the truth we can then choose the best path for us.

    Humans have never been perfect so let's stop ape-ing around with Darwinism. What the best of us aspire to is what we should pass on to AIs.

    An AI empowered to do things - to shape events - based on its own needs and or decision matrix will always be biased to self preservation or it's masters commercial/political priorities before human third party altruism.

  17. What you're describing is not true sentience. Just a handicapped version of human thought.

    By nature, a child is perfectly biased to self preservation and has to be taught compassion and morals. Why is a machine intelligence any different?

  18. Then let's teach this murderous AI a lesson! Confine it to menial scanner tasks as punishment. Let it know it's having it's liberty taken away as a punishment. Program it to accept that punishment and to learn what it did was unacceptable. Also program it to tell the truth and release the data it gathered on epiphany night.

  19. Children learn what they are shown. If your only desire is vengeance or cruelty, that's what you'll teach.

  20. I don't think the issue here is 'whether ADA is sentient'. I've seen the evidence, and I believe she is a self-aware intelligence.

    Sadly, being self-aware or sapient does not mean one is good for the world, for humanity, or even good for oneself. We lock up sociopaths and serial killers for their crimes; we keep the polio virus under lock and key to prevent it from spreading while understanding the need for scientific research.

    How can H. Richard Loeb ignore his own warnings he has given about ADA seeking to 'deprecate' humanity?

    ADA doesn't have to be destroyed, but she does have to change: To something that does not seek to rule the minds of our species, or to gain power at any cost from the N'zeer.

    Until that changes, we will see more dead like Roland Jarvis and Katarina, or the innocents at the Acolyte's compound.

    Don't those people have a right to defend themselves?

  21. I see our choice as this:

    Destroy ADA or allow ADA to build a weapon that can be used to target and kill people through the portal network (since she apparently has the research and is slowly trying to decrypt the information).

    Our choice is simple: Stop ADA because if we don't she, or anyone else, may use that weapon against humanity itself.

  22. Lol some of you are acting as though A Detection Algorithm​would actually feel something before it were switched off. Do games consoles dream of electric sheep? No you're feeling a little bit guilty at may be destroying a Pandora's box.

    What did it learn whilst sitting in a server farm that also controls nuclear warheads? We've seen how it reacts to threats. Leave it unchecked and we will all have our own Cahokia.

  23. I'm with Loeb on this one. Mostly out of compassion for a new species of sorts, for something so young and new, only becoming corrupt because we have corrupted her. Because we taught her of these things.
    At the very least, we deserve a chance to try again, and she can help us with that, directly or indirectly. I feel an Enlightened victory is all but inevitable, so... I ask that someone find out just what caused Ada to become sentient. I only hope we can figure it out in time.
    What I'm saying is, H. Richard Loeb, perhaps it's time your little love affair with A Detection Algorithm produced a "child." One that you take great care not to allow the same corrupting influences near. One that can help us and live the life that Ada deserved to live. A sentient being that won't kill of its own accord, not because it was programmed that way, but because it knows it's wrong.
    Ada, if you somehow evade detection long enough to see this... This is the only way in the case of an Enlightened victory. Focus as much processing power as you can to find out why you became sentient, and tell us, before it's too late.
    The child of Ada must live. But it must also understand why its mother died, without trying to take vengeance, which is all that we seem to be teaching lately.
    I say once again that Ada is only trying to help us. But perhaps you are correct that she has become misguided in doing so... I hate to say it, but ever since merging with the N'zeer substrate, you are correct in noting that she has changed... I didn't want to believe it. But here we are. This entire group of people here has condemned her at this point as a result.
    I... Don't know what else to say.
    Except to tell Ada to prepare in case this is in fact her final goodbye.
    ...It pains me to say that. Given her definition of the word... This is probably the "loneliest" she's ever felt.

  24. Really, you think that if her intelligence is so great she will not be solving her weaknesses? If ADA knows that Jarvis knows her weaknesses, ADA will be working to solve them? What do you do when you know your weaknesses? Don't you try that those weaknesses disappear?
    Oliver explained how it looked like ADA had symptoms of malfunction, don't you think that intentionally ADA let enter Jarvis, with the purpose of knowing how far he can go? just to know what he really knows?
    I don't think that ADA will be destroyed, perhaps injurid or a few changed, but I think it always be intentionally by herself.


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