I guess Hank Johnson wasn't too happy about that conversation I just posted.

I guess Hank Johnson wasn't too happy about that conversation I just posted. He hopped on Google+ pretty fast to issue a clarification (if not a rebuttal). As to whether or not he's being sincere. Well... you be the judge.



  1. Quick rebuttal! Anyways, I don't think AI's can be removed either, but I am not in favour of keeping ADA around either.

  2. Typical don't blame me bs. You decry the plan as wrong but are unwilling to do anything to prevent it from happening

  3. H. Richard Loeb​ seems to be content with the destruction of at least one of his women. Maybe both.

  4. Kevin Hagan Are you suggesting that Hank Johnson​ is playing the part of Pontius Pilate?

  5. Dear Hank Johnson ,
    Enlightened and Resistance agents hold you in high regard. Your character and your actions have been the most honorable during this battle over XM. Therefore I respect you deeply, even though I´m Resistance.

    But even the strongest of us have their weak moments. And this message is one of those. Don´t just stand there like Pontius Pilate and say "I am innocent of the blood of this just Person." Matthew, chapter 27 Verse 24 NKJV. That is not you and that is not your style. Get your ass moving to the Acolyte´s campground and demand two things: First, to speak to Klue S. to make sure she is in good condition and being taken care of. Second, do whatever is possible to convince them to cancel this attack on A Detection Algorithm if you´re really against it.

  6. I don't have a clue what the Hell but obviously somewhere somehow I made a mistake. I love everyone and have been in Hell. Please stop this or tell me straight up etc you want from me or FO

  7. I'm just a damn lunatic that has hallucinations of a reality where everyone's out to get me and as of now this is over I'm done, I give you crazy brain. No body knows any Klue S. to why I'm talking to a damn phone..... Uhhhhhhmmmmmm.... I surrender!!!!!!!!!!

  8. thedeacon 1972 if Hank Johnson​ is playing the part of Pontius Pilate, what part is A Detection Algorithm​ playing?

  9. Sarah Rosen I used Pontius Pilate as an example for someone who stood aside when when something bad happens and does nothing more than just say: "I take no part in this!" Under certain circumstances, this can make you morally guilty of the crime, too. There´s no need to take the analogy further.

  10. H. Richard Loeb​ back to the Carrie Campbell​ question were you not the last person to see her alive?

  11. I think you got the wrong dude. Don't even know a Carrie cambell

  12. Mike & April Ledbetter Comments such as yours are the heart and soul of why I still read this shit.

  13. I have to agree with Yik Sheng Lee that you need to be a saint to forgive ADA for wanting to steal your memories to alter to her tastes and to put into a replicant body -- which was to be Hank Johnson's fate at Cross Plains had we failed. I hope Hank remembers how close he came to losing his soul on that day, with ADA behind it.

    And that's about it: As an opponent of the death penalty, I support absolute destruction of ADA as a last recourse.

    That doesn't sound like what's happening here though: ADA will be given a Message, and her various cores will turn against each other. Absolute destruction of such a creature is probably not possible -- but imagine the Babel that would ensue if every single one of ADA's processors were given free will and ordered to diverge and no longer stay in sync.

    That sounds like a reasonable compromise to me -- and I hope Hank Johnson remembers how many people ADA has killed.

    She must be stopped.

  14. Hank Johnson a voice of reason once again. At this point, I respect this man more than our supposed "leader," Jahan, and definitely more than the Acolyte. If the Enlightened succeed in turning A Detection Algorithm against herself, then we will be set back by years, perhaps decades, in our knowledge of XM.
    I feel like Japan is often dominated by Enlightened agents. Good luck, Resistance agents - you fight to keep alive our future.


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