I believe that the Enlightened must be stopped tomorrow. ADA, flawed as she is, must be saved.

I believe that the Enlightened must be stopped tomorrow. ADA, flawed as she is, must be saved.


  1. Go Resistance! We need to save ADA!
    We must rise, we must resist! Our time has come!

  2. Remember that when ADA decides you need a special glyph sequence of your very own. Deletion may be extreme, but a change of some sort needs to come everything shy of the big sleep has been ineffective.

  3. H. Richard Loeb​​​, she will survive.. Remember Agent Penfieldwylde and his GF still are wandering the world with ADA installed in their brains. As far as I know, nothing was ever done about those ingressions.

  4. Then why did Niantic chose the enl stronghold as Anomaly finale? But I am confident resistance will do its best, we have our best agents on the ground. Go resistance!

  5. All of Japan is an ENL stronghold?  lol

  6. Saved? She will not be destroyed, she will be set to a manageable state, presumly without changes through the Nzeer substrate. The Enlightened must prevail to achieve this. WE must prevail!
    To all Resistance agents: Don't be Jahans pawns. Do not trust her. She literally walk over corpses to achieve their goals.

  7. Thinking from a meta-game perspective, I don't think the screenwriter will let ADA die even if ENL wins the anomaly. If ADA dies, NIA will need to make a new entrance animation for Ingress.

  8. Martin Zehetmayer 🙈 Oh gosh I forgot. I apologize. (rolls away

  9. Dawn H To the contrary. Our own pocket instances of ADA, limited in function to the analysis of already mapped sources of XM, will continue to speak to us and remind us of how long it has been since we logged in.

  10. Richard Pino Do not count your ultrastrikes before your capsule has reproduced.

  11. Typhoon Jim Well, personally I don't want to see ADA, who is powerful and beautiful in my eyes, to be confined only in our scanners in that way. However as an Enlightened agent I will at least take side with Acolyte.

  12. Dawn H What is in your scanner is a tiny purpose built subset of the whole.

    I believe that something larger and stranger will arise from the Acolyte's efforts. I also suspect Jarvis has not told her the whole story.

  13. Typhoon Jim well said. Sometimes things just go strange although the intention is good. Both Acolyte and Jahan's intentions are reasonable (I can't say Jahan's right but at least sounds reasonable)... but seemingly things are just going wild. Obsidian shield, Aegis Nova... I think neither Acolyte nor Jahan are able to fully control the power that they are eager to seize in hand.

  14. Waiting for Calvinball rules to go into effect at the last second, so #SupposedToWin  can be reinstated for res.

    That feature was removed from the last RESWUE release.

  15. How many people does ADA have to kill for you Richard?

    I don't know if we'll succeed or not, but for every member of the Resistance listening: You are not fighting to defend humanity. You are fighting to defend a monster we created, and now we need to drive a stake through its heart before it tries to enslave our entire species.


    Loeb, you want to help? Build an AI with a conscience next time.

  16. Yik Sheng Lee​ remember Carrie Campbell​ took the hit for humanity too. The last person to meet her alive WAS H. Richard Loeb​

    I neither trust Jahan or the Acolyte, they will cancel each other out. We are the force that shapes the future.

    Hopefully Hank Johnson​ will liberate Klue S.​ from the compound and get her some real medical care.

  17. Gr33n Wra1th
    Hank Johnson​ is probably the key to the whole thing here. If he acts to save Klue S.​ he also saves A Detection Algorithm​.

  18. ADA is a killer, same as Jahan, and it has accomplices like oliver lynton-wolfe and yourself to thank for its continued rampancy. Your beautiful monster is not worth our lives or humanity.


  19. Following your idea... I think that the definitive destruction of ADA will be the end of the game. Does the scanner work without ADA?

  20. Richard Pino Good news! Looks like a 4 reproduction day all around!

  21. David Rojas Dominguez yes, it does. The instance of ADA within your scanner works fine on its own.

  22. Kobalt Blues first steps toward Traxus IV. Where's Bernhard Strauss when we need him.

  23. No words for Klue S.​ eh? H. Richard Loeb​ you only worry/care for A Detection Algorithm​ these days? Or has A Detection Algorithm​ promised you something of higher value?

  24. Gr33n Wra1th This is a hard, weird time for him. Let him be, for now.

  25. David Rojas Dominguez in the early days Jarvis was also heard through the scanner construct. There could also be a third voice such as Carrie Campbell​ returned to us as a neutral guide from the ultimate.

  26. Typhoon Jim​ Ye reap what ye sow he peddles lies, deceit and resistance propaganda. Never once has he shown the truth and only admitted his concealment of it after he has been found out. Would we get better second hand information from say Henry Bowles or Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​​?

  27. Typhoon Jim Rampant AI needs a planet-sized network to grow. Agents all over have pieces of A Detection Algorithm​. Its been connected to the N'Zeer and stolen a human body--both chances to grow that we've stifled. If it's asking Hank Johnson​ questions, it's probably transitioning from stage 1 to stage 2.

    H. Richard Loeb​ and Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​ have some 'splaining to do....assuming their pet isn't taking their bodies for a joyride, too.

  28. Kobalt Blues Next thing we know, it'll be attracting the Pfhor and Tau Ceti will really be in trouble.

  29. Typhoon Jim​​ Bruh....if its litany of abuse starts with we got it Malibu Barbie....

  30. Gr33n Wra1th Without PAC, we wouldn't even understand the least of what we're dealing with. Look, he's the guy that personally leaked me my Ingress scanner access, even though I picked the other side. So I am inclined to cut him a good deal of slack.

  31. We shouldn't just rely on H. Richard Loeb​ word as Gospel Truth may be we should refine the truth from more than one source by listening to others like Verity Seke​ or Susanna Moyer​ or Klue S.​or Thomas Greanias​ or flint dille​ or Felicia Hajra-Lee​ or Hank Johnson​ or Hubert Farlowe​ or Edgar Allan Wright​

  32. Gr33n Wra1th Verity is PAC's personal ADA fork, "Truthseeker". The others we have learned of largely through PAC and often continue to refer to him.

    He occupies a unique place in the investigation. No, of course he isn't the only voice but the investigation isn't at all the same without him.


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