Gather 'round, folks.

Gather 'round, folks. Time for a Weird Tale. Not necessarily Robert. E. Howard weird, but I imagine if he was still around, he'd be intrigued by this one.


  1. Definitely a strange one.
    Could this finally be groups of Enlightened and Resistance agents ready to throw off their leaders and carve their own path?
    And these Resistance agents... I'm definitely intrigued. Perhaps A Detection Algorithm managed to find a way after all...
    And perhaps this is the beginning of human augmentation, one that's reasonable enough to allow us to maintain our humanity.
    We'll see. But for now, perhaps Ada isn't as dead as the Enlightened have hoped.

  2. So we have cybered Resistance agents and a 'New Enlightened'? For the first it seems that ADA could be behind this, manipulating people to enhance themself with cyber implants she controls or hold her backup?

    The New Enlightened are maybe chosing another way then the one of the Acolyte?

  3. Interesting. Very interesting. I look forward to discovering more about this new Enlightened or these "new ones." I would hope that Hank Johnson might be involved and may have intercepted Susanna.

    As for the microchipped resistance agents, this might be where ADA may have distributed herself. She's a crafty and slippery one. This or these altered beings are the resistance bot accounts we've heard so much about.

  4. The "New Enlightened"? I'm tempted to say that this sounds like New Coke, but I won't. In any case, it looks like we have a "New Resistance" as well. A group of Japanese who are into cyber-enhancement.

    The "New Wave" that flint dille​​​ warned us about?

  5. And what of Susanna Moyer...? I have to wonder whether this involved some form of physical regeneration. "Atarashi Enlightened" aside, to see anyone pull that off would be interesting...
    Will she look the same the next we see her? Or is she simply now tied to the Ultimate?

  6. It's time to shake hands each other over the wall of faction. and we can find the way to liberate our minds from the brainwashing which is forcing us to create CF to change people's thought.

  7. "Shaper technology" . . . Is that an oxymoron?

  8. I hope these Resistance agents know that they're literally playing with fire.

    ADA has already colonized the mind of one human being, and attempted to offload her computational needs into the brains of others. Removing ADA may render you catatonic; your will may no longer even be your own because she is the thin wedge of an invasion of our species by a race of artificial intelligences who possessed the mind of a sysadmin to help create her.

  9. Ahimsa Forworld It's hard to say whether this one's a gamejacker or actually involved.
    Only time will tell, I guess.
    We'll see...

  10. Dave Daniels​ she will resurrect from her own ashes, as a Phoenix

  11. The new wave seems to be about implementing some of the promise that XM has offered for the past three years. If these Resistance agents are externalizing their sense of self to include tech mods what internal changes and perceptions might the Enlightened develop through discipline and meditation?

  12. Would it be wise for agents and investigators to keep an eye on Nipponbashi in Osaka?  Like Akihabara in Tokyo, Nipponbashi is a haven for technology and pop culture enthusiasts.  There may be a similar group there.

  13. Notes on this storyline piece:

    1. A bunch of formerly unknown Resistance NPCs believe they made the Enlightened Tokyo victory irrelevant.
    2. The same group of Resistance NPCs is a good source for information on secret activities of a bunch of Enlightened,

    (Not factional -- I could go back and find places where the story makes Resistance look like idiots too.)

  14. Sarah Rosen Not at all. The Enlightened perspective is that ideas should drive praxis, whereas the Resistance perspective is that praxis should drive ideas.

    As such, the Enlightened absolutely use all manner of technology, ancient and modern, to aid and expand the human perspective.

    "There is no humanity without techne- but there is no techne worth more than my humanity." -Hakim Bey

  15. So timing wise - did Susanna get sick before or after her last g+ post? So was she in India or somewhere else when her "sickness" occured?

  16. and how might these changes influence - will they just drive ideology and motivation - or will there be game and scanner mechanic changes coming?

  17. Random thoughts:
    Shuffling through old Shadowrun sourcebooks... Hmmm, the Awakening took place in 2011 already, but the chips implanted directly looks like the first "Deckers".
    The New Ones... Third faction finally?
    Susanna's approach apparently ended in tragedy... Maybe the reformation of her in a New One is a tragedy in the eyes of Jahan?

  18. Marcel Knopf​​ For me ADA had a little bit of Deus, except that the Renraku Acrology is now the whole world.

    If these are Deckers then Klue was the first Otaku.

  19. Martin Zehetmayer yeah, maybe the center of the Arcology is now in India...

  20. Sarah Rosen​​​ Shaper technology would be biological, organic, or genetic in nature. Imagine a hipster who can walk on water and heal as a result of his receiving enlightened Shaper tech scar tissue on one extreme and on the other a person who became a amorphous colossal Lovecraftian horror.

  21. Instructions for biohacks from an "unknown source"?

    They're wired up but unconcerned with losing the AI, too? We know where what it came from.

  22. Mario Valenzuela II Not necessarily. We have learned that both sides employ similar techniques for interfacing with the Ultimate. The prototypical interface was the "primitive resonator" described in Alignment Ingress, but prime XM artifacts of all kinds indicate that many civilizations have attempted different approaches.

    My feeling is that the Enlightened use computer technology as readily as the Resistance. But there are two approaches where they differ. The Enlightened approach focuses on improving the person and making sure they possess mental preparation to make contact with the Ultimate, whereas the Resistance prefers a mediated approach where the prime element is the quality of their technology. The common element here is the interposition of another mind between the human and the XM substrate. But both will use scanners, headsets, and other similar interpretive systems.

    I do think you are right in that the goal of both sides is a less mediated contact: the Enlightened would indeed prefer a person have access to all of their patterns, as in the "banquet" described by Jarvis, and the Resistance would like to have recourse to a universal intelligence, likely merging with it. Contrast the idea of the Memex with that of the Akashic Records. They are almost the same thing.

  23. Well, this gives "Living in the Database" some new meaning...

  24. Been out of touch with Investigate for about a month. As I look back, it seems both worrying and exhilarating to me. Interfacing with ADA directly means we could become the slave of the machine and it's will, but if man and machine work together then we may be supreme.

    This draws parallels to Halo's ancilla's where the ancilla was the connection to the Domain, which is in a very basic way, a source of information.

    I hope we are progressing and not regressing. And that the new Resistance do not follow in the footsteps of Jahan, but follow a non violent path. May ADA (or her fragments) watch over you, or even better from within you 😇


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